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View Full Version : bye bye wisdom teeth, hello discomfort

07-13-2004, 08:12 PM
So, by the title of this thread I'm sure you've guessed what's up with me. Well, I'll state it again for the record. I have had all 5 of my wisdom teeth removed earlier today. The 5th tooth was much smaller and on the top left behind my other wisdom tooth. According to the doctor it was a pretty simple extraction. All I have to do is just take my medicine for a few days, ice my cheecks where the swelling is, and eat soft foods, like pudding, jello for the first day or two.

My only concern right now is the bleeding. They seem to be bleeding contantly, but not gushing out, just more of an oozing. I'm not worried though, I'm just taking the pain as it comes. Good news it that I don't have to worry about them cutting my mouth when I chew, nor do I have to worry about they pushing my front teeth any further out of alignment.

Tomorrow I'm going to go with my dad or mom to EB Games to pick up my copy of Tales of Symphonia. So tomorrow I'm going to be playing it all day, and then rest. Right now I'm a bit bored, so that's why I'm posting about it.

07-13-2004, 08:14 PM
Whew, that stinks. Glad I never had to have mine removed. The bleeding will be fine, I assume, since your body is always making more. I'd be more concerned about all the pudding that's getting into the bloodstream through that wound. :D

07-13-2004, 08:16 PM
I remember very little about the anistesia. All I remember is them putting an IV in my arm and I was trying to ask them how long it would take before I would be sleeping, and then I woke up and the procedure was done, hehe.

random fact: a friend of mine had 6 wisdom teeth, which is sorta rare

07-13-2004, 08:29 PM
I had my four removed last week, on Tuesday. Same deal, sedative through the IV, bleeding the first day (went away by the next morning), mild discomfort since then. No big deal, really. I just finished the amoxicilan (sp?) this morning, and when I went back in for the post-op checkup, I was told that I could just take the ibuprofen when I felt I needed it. Barely any swelling, and it didn't last very long. No bruising either.

07-13-2004, 08:38 PM
ah, fun times. I had my wisdom teeth removed last year. it hurt for a few days, but then it subsided, no big deal. had to keep some frozen bags of veggies to keep the welling down for about a week :p

07-13-2004, 08:51 PM
I need to have 4 of mine pulled. I'll either get it done this summer or next. I one is starting to bug me every now and then, so its just a question of when.

07-13-2004, 08:57 PM
All of my wisdom teeth are growing in at the same time, and unfortunately I don't have enough room in my mouth for them. Thankfully, I can get them removed... AFTER I have the baby. Plus, get my brand new cavities filled (never had a cavity til I got pregnant).

Naked Jim
07-13-2004, 10:10 PM
I only have three wisdom teeth two on top and one on the bottom left. I had my two top ones removed a couple summers ago but i still need to have the other one removed some time this summer. The drugs they gave me made every thing very fun. At my dentist he has tv's in all the rooms and i was trying to watch the summer X games but the dentist kept getting in the way and i was getting pissed and told them to move. they didnt!! :( then for the rest of the day i felt UBER good cause of the drugs.

07-13-2004, 10:26 PM
I don't think I have 'em. When do you normally get them, if at all?

Naked Jim
07-13-2004, 10:29 PM
I don't think I have 'em. When do you normally get them, if at all?

I think usually you get them when your around 16.

07-13-2004, 10:30 PM
Most people get their between ages 15-20, that's when they start to come in. If they don't come in during those years don't expect them to ever come in. I noticed mine when I was 16, and over the next 3 years they slowly broke the skin and came in. They take the longest, IMO, of all of your molars to fulling settle.

07-13-2004, 10:43 PM
I had one that came in years ago (can't remember how long ago for sure), and I have another that has started coming in within the last year or two. I also have another tooth coming in that isn't a wisdom tooth, it should have come in a long time ago, but it has just started coming in within the last year, and I'm 25. The wisdom tooth that is coming in now will probably have to be removed eventually, but the first one doesn't really cause any problems except it will occasionally bug the side of my mouth, but it hardly ever does that.

07-13-2004, 11:00 PM
Never had any teeth removed. I have a big mouth so maybe I won't have a problem with it.

07-13-2004, 11:32 PM
... Plus, get my brand new cavities filled (never had a cavity til I got pregnant).
I heard that when you are pregnant the baby steals some of the calcium from you and your teeth. Some women though were trying to fix that by taking extra but that ended up just "hardening" the heads of the babies. Then when they came out it was harder because the skulls weren't as pliable and soft.
Of course ask your doctor before using the knowledge.
I got my wisdom teeth out a couple years ago. I bled a little, well alot, but it healed in a few hours. The odd thing is that after I got them out I kept bumping into things and had no common sense. :D

07-13-2004, 11:35 PM
I got mine out a couple years ago, and the bleeding was very irritating. It went on for two days and caused me to throw up several times from all the blood going into my stomach. What finally stopped it with me was rolling up tea bags and pressing them on the bleeding areas like you would with guaze. The taste is bad, especially if you don't like tea, but apparently tea has something in it that causes the blood to clot. At least it worked for me.

07-14-2004, 03:43 AM
I got my wisdom teeth out during spring break of my freshman year at college. The procedure went quickly and they gave me pain medication. The bleeding didn't bother me cause I had 6 teeth pulled previously, so I was used to it. I didn't feel any pain either (thank you Codeine!), but there was some discomfort cause one side of my mouth was swollen a bit (one tooth was harder to remove than the others). But, I got to sit in bed and rest for a whole week eating jell-o :D

If anything, it was irritating after I went back to school and had to eat in the cafeteria. The tooth that was harder to remove left a pocket, and I always got food stuck in it (esp Twizzlers candy). But, I healed in no time.

07-14-2004, 03:21 PM
I'm just barely growing my second molars. :eyebrow:

07-14-2004, 09:52 PM
mine are coming through now. i dont think they will have to be removed

07-14-2004, 11:52 PM
In in Rainman's boat.

However, I have had my fair share of Dental work done recently. Since our dentist <died> a few years ago, we had to switch to another. I never had any cavities under him. I was under the impression that my teeth were perfect. Then, my mother got sick of the dentists excruciatingly slow work habits, and decided to switch again. (To a dentist conveniently within 5 minutes walking distance, actually.) Upon receiving my checkup, he decided that I have five cavities. Wow. I'm trying to figure out how the heck the previous dentist missed them. :eyebrow: Even I knew they were there, but since he missed them, I just never thought about them.