View Full Version : The return of a legend... (HHGTTG moblins)

06-21-2004, 07:53 PM
I'll let the BBC fill you guys in. I'm rather excited myself right now.


Twenty-five years after the original radio series of Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy exploded into the public consciousness, the further exploits of its bewildered hero, Arthur Dent, are being brought to life in their original medium and with the (mainly) original cast. This dramatisation of the last three books, Life, The Universe And Everything; So Long And Thanks For All The Fish and Mostly Harmless (none of which were originally produced for radio), features Douglas Adams himself, thanks to the wonders of digital technology. Douglas always intended to play the part of Agrajag and recorded himself in the part a few years ago.

Holy crap.....

Holy crap...

This is awesome news for Hitchhiker fans. Seeing things like this and the HHGTTG movie come to fruitation is something awesome, even after Adams' death.

06-21-2004, 08:00 PM
I just read a thread over in an unnamed sub-forum of AGN about an un-specified and highly disturbing sexual practice. It made me question what the hell was going on here.

But now that I have seen this thread, I am overjoyed that I decided to stop into AGN today. OMGYES! I will be aquiring this radio show the instant it's availible. The original was great, and an integral part of my childhood. One thing I wonder about, though - the original didn't really follow the plot of the first two books. They took alot of liberties, such as changing the nature of the Black Ship that the crew steals from the Resteraunt at the End of the Universe, introducing a society based on Birds and a rejection of shoes that simply doesn't occur in the first two books, and etc. How are they tying all of this back together?


06-21-2004, 08:42 PM
I've read conflicting histories of the origin of the stories. Is it true that the radio show versions came before the novels?

06-21-2004, 09:48 PM
I've read conflicting histories of the origin of the stories. Is it true that the radio show versions came before the novels?

I beleive so.

(hugs his HHGTTG MP3 collection)

06-21-2004, 09:58 PM
What is teh hitchhokers guide to teh universe?

06-21-2004, 10:54 PM
its some books that are really random and funny. you should go read them.

06-21-2004, 11:32 PM
according to The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, the compilation of all of them, the first episode of the radio show came out in March 1978, while the first book followed in September 1979.

btw, alex, is there somewhere you downloaded your collection from? it would rock to have the radio eps as well as the books.

06-21-2004, 11:56 PM
btw, alex, is there somewhere you downloaded your collection from? it would rock to have the radio eps as well as the books.

No, as you can buy a legitimate CD with all the episodes on it, I do beleive. In fact, that's where mine were ripped from.