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View Full Version : Hilarious Quotes from Steven Wright:

06-20-2004, 05:49 PM
Okay. Today is Father's Day. My mom printed out a reasonably old series of quotes she found one day. I was reading them in the car, and people on the streets kept looking at me funny because they thought I was insane. (Hey, how were they supposed to know I was reading something hilarious? :lol: .. So anyway, I tracked the URL down, and found them on the 'net. The page seems to be intact. (Hey, you never know. :shrug: ) So here they are. Please, try to imagine each of these as you read it. It makes it much funnier. Thanks. :)


06-20-2004, 06:39 PM
lol, thoses are pretty good.

06-20-2004, 07:22 PM
Not sure if those are all Steven Wright's work, but I reconized a few that I've heard him say. He's a very good comedian.

06-20-2004, 08:17 PM
I like the internet comic better. :D I do like those though.
P.S. Rainman you now have 5k posts. You probably talk more that Wright. But he is funnier.
P.P.S. I just read some more up to "It's a fine night to have an evening." and thought of Castlevania 2's "It's a horrible night to have a curse."