View Full Version : Yesterday was the LONGEST day ever...

06-19-2004, 12:33 PM
Okay. So most of you know, I had a cyst. I won't say where, but to get my drift, it was in a very uncomfortable place.

So my day starts at about 11:30, when my mom came and woke me up to tell me... "Chandra, there's a transvestite fixing our washer." :odd: "How do you know they're a transvestite, mom?" So, she proceeds to tell me all about him. He had dark hair with a receeding hair line, and his hair was pulled back into a bun with a scrunchie. He had on foundation that was at least 3 shades lighter than his skin, bright blue eyeshadow, bright pink blush, red lipstick, mascara, the works. His fingernails were long, blue and pointed. He had on a work uniform, which had make-up all over the collar. So I asked her, "How do you know that he just didn't get into a fight with a clown?" We laughed. THen he came to the door. I *had* to see this.

No lie, the man looked like Mimi from Drew Carey. And he had the manliest voice ever. My mom forgot the detail about the noticably stuffed bra he was wearing. (Please, no one take offense to the above paragraphs).

So, I go to get on the computer and check my email and stuff, and find it's very hard to sit in the chair. So I sigh, and sit on the couch. At this point, walking without pain is near impossible, so I yell for my sister and her friend and ask them to make me breakfast. Scrambled eggs and toast with butter & jelly. My sister is DA BOMB at scrambled eggs, but she let her friend make them. Her burnt them to no end. And then, she barely toasted my bread. *sigh* But at this point, I was starving so I ate it anyway.

I get up and hobble to the bathroom, about 2 hours later after taking a restless nap on the love seat, and find that my cyst has in fact, ruptured and started bleeding. So I come running out of the bathroom, freaking out, "Mom! It's bleeding!"

So she asks, "Are you sure it's the cyst?" Well jeez, if it's not the cyst, then it's even more serious that I'm bleeding from that area. *duuuuh* So, she busy trying to get stuff straightened out with my nieces who have no clothes, the youngest one is sick, and my sister isn't home and the girls have no way in the house. Therefore, I had to call Steve at work and have him take me to the hospital (my OBGYN wasn't in yesterday, go fig.). He gets here, and we rush to the hospital. I sign in, and the lady at the desk says, "There's two people in front of you." I think, GREAT! This won't take long at all.

I sat there for - no joke - 4 fucking hours. In the most uncomfortable chairs ever. 4 hours is a long time when you're pregnant, hungry, and bleeding with no clue what's going to happen. I ate two little bags of cheez-its, some pop-tarts, and a bottle of water. I ate out of a vending machine, fun. Anyway... We watched a suicidal 8 year old beat the shit out of the triage nurse, screaming about how he tried to kill himself, we continuously heard about the woman with failing kidneys and liver being transported to OSU medical center (I still wonder if she ever got there), we had a kid come in who almost cut his leg off who got rushed back, two kids with bad sunburns came in, and got rushed back. An old guy twisted his ankle.. and got rushed back. Some old woman came in because her back hurt, got rushed back. A guy, maybe 30 years old, had a sore leg, got rushed back. I'm sitting here, pregnant, and bleeding, for four hours. Sadly, though, in those 4 hours, a little boy drowned and may have died before he got the hospital, but I didn't hear anything else about it.

So, we're nearing in on the first 3 hours, and this woman comes in, complaining because HER BLADDER IS COMING OUT OF HER! She wound up having to sit and wait. But only for about an hour.

So anyway, I finally got called back, and of course, I have to get nekkid. The doctor comes in, tells me it's an infected Bartholin's Gland (after I told him that's what I thought it was, he probably thought it was something else). So, he gets out his little light, rubs the lump some, then squeezes and pinches it as hard as he can! OH MY GOD, it hurt so bad. I cried. Like a fucking baby, but DAMN. Guys, imagine someone grabbing one of your balls and just squeezing the shit out of it, with no remorse. *shudders* "Well, Chandra, it's already drained so we don't have to cut it open!" Well, thank the good lord for that... I couldn't imagine having him down there with a scalpel. *cries*

So, they perscribe me with some antibiotics that, in the words of the russian nurse "Shouldn't hurt the baby." Shouldn't? Well, that's comforting. They also give me some iodine swabs to clean it with, and, get this... Vicodin, for the pain. :odd: That hospital always gives vicodin, I've known that for years. But I've never heard of the idiots giving it to pregnant women. The Russian nurse said, "Now, what you take, the baby takes, so only take 2 if the pain is unbearable." Yeah, I think I'll suffer.

I finally leave the hospital at 9. We got there at about 4:30. I was back in a room for about 30 minutes, 20 minutes were just waiting on the nurse to get back with my perscription paper and shit.

We leave, we eat, we come home, and it all ended with retarded movies with bad actors, cleaning myself, watching cartoons with my 19 year old boyfriend, and going to sleep.

Hospitals suck.

06-19-2004, 01:02 PM
Sorry to hear about that moocow. :( I had a cyst on my ovary that gave me a lot of pain. I took Birth Control pills to try and shrink it, but those didn't work and they make me nausiuous. It had grown to 4.8''. I couldn't stand the pain so I went to the ER, and had surgery to remove it the next week. (Feb 2 of this year) I've had tons of surgeries and I actually like the hospital...

06-19-2004, 01:18 PM
That sucks, hon, but at least it is over and it was not serious. I am with you on avoiding the Vicodin. I am shocked they even gave it to you. You would probably have been seen faster if you just told the registration nurse that you are pregnant and bleeding 'down there'. In the triage hierarchy, pregnant women potentially miscarrying get high priority. All's well that ends well though. So have you decided on a hospital birth or a home birth?


06-19-2004, 01:45 PM
Good Lord, a twisted ankle got a higher priority? Geez. Glad to hear it's supposed to be okay, Moo. I've only been to a hospital for my own sake once, and I was about five years old. Tonsilectomy. It wasn't so bad then, I suppose, though I can't remember much of it.

06-19-2004, 02:34 PM
That sucks, hon, but at least it is over and it was not serious. I am with you on avoiding the Vicodin. I am shocked they even gave it to you. You would probably have been seen faster if you just told the registration nurse that you are pregnant and bleeding 'down there'. In the triage hierarchy, pregnant women potentially miscarrying get high priority. All's well that ends well though. So have you decided on a hospital birth or a home birth?


I did tell the traige nurse that I was bleeding down there. I told her that I wasn't sure if it was the 'lump' or if it was something else, and I made it VERY clear that I am pregnant and it made me nervous.

I think I'm going to do hospital birth, because the maternity ward at our hospital is pretty good, just not the ER.

06-19-2004, 03:32 PM
mooie... glad all is well honey. I was thinkin about you all day hoping the ER visit would be easy for you. Glad I could be around and help what little bit I could.

BIG hug!

06-19-2004, 03:37 PM
Sorry to hear you had such a bad day :( Hope you feel better!

Master Ghaleon
06-19-2004, 03:43 PM
Im glad your day of hell is over with. I hope you are doing better today ;)

06-19-2004, 05:50 PM
Thanks, guys, I'm feeling much better today. :)

06-19-2004, 06:00 PM
Yeah hospitals suck, and so do old people. The following story explains why...

Just after christmas break in fifth grade, I wen to the hospital complaining about abdominal pain...this was after staying home from school for a week and eating two cookies and lots of lemonade the entire time. Despite the lack of food I was not hungry. So one day at around 11am I go into the emergency room at the hospital near our house after being diagnosed with appendicitis at another hospital. We wait...and wait...and wait...and do some more waiting for about 6 hours before they let me into the ER. During this whole time I am dying of thirst, and all they can give me is an ice cube to swish around in my mouth but I am not allowed to swallow. Finally they get me into surgery, bu the time it's all over and done with it is 11pm and the juvenile ward has one room left because of the overflow in the geriatric ward. Frickin old people. Anyway, I had to stay in the hospital for a week. The whole time there was one Mr. Bender at the end of the hall. He was an amputee who always pulled out his IV cables. Because he always pulled out his IV he had to be strapped down to the bed where he could not reach the call button for the nurses. What did he do instead? He screamed...and screamed...and screamed. It was like a fucking hospital horror show complete with torturous screams from down the hall, the smell of latex EVERYWHERE (I could SMELL when they came for the blood samples all the way down the hall.) bad food and a complete lack of apple juice. I wanted my apple juice dammit and they didn't have any. :mad:

Well, I'm glad it's all over for ya moo, hope you feel better. :)

06-19-2004, 06:09 PM
I hate hospitals. When I had to get stitches at the hospital we got there round midnight and the waiting room was packed. I had to wait for like three hours before they even brought me in to a room to stitch me up. I hate hospitals.

06-19-2004, 08:48 PM
Yes that certainly is a horrible day.

i have had my share of bad hospital days.

Once, actaully 3 times I have had to go to the ER to get some blood vessles cauterized.......inside my nose. Yeah that sucks. So im sitting in the waiting room bleeding all over myself and I wait.....I wait some more. Finally its my turn and it stops bleeding by itself. Well it would just happen again soon anyway so the doctor takes a little metal prod and scrapes it open again! Yeah, then they have to take the silver nitrate and burn your flesh back together, thats not the greatest feeling in the world.

06-19-2004, 09:43 PM
Hospitals totally suck ass, no wonder old people don't want to bother with them. They cost too much and on the occasions they HAVE to go, the experience totally sucks. When I broke my leg I had to wait 3 hours for 10 frickin cc's of morphine which did nothing for the pain. I hate hospitals.

06-19-2004, 11:19 PM
Well, since your posting hospital stories, here's mine! :D

I went to the hospital a few years back because I was riding a scooter (not motorized) that my father borrowed from a friend of his. I decided one day that I would go down this really steep downhill sidewalk. Well, I was doing fine and was going about 15 mph, when I accidentily ran off the sidewalk and into some rocks. Well, when that happens, the scooter stops, but you don't! I flew right over the handlebars and landed face-first into a pile of sharp rocks. Glasses broke, and a piece dug in my face, and besides scratching off a huge single layer of skin on my arm, I had only minor cuts and scrapes.

Well, I get sent to the hospital and get signed into the emergency room. It turns out that during that day, the emergency room was PACKED with people. We were sitting there delayed for an hour or two with nothing to do and me there bleeding from my face and my arm. At least there were several kids I played with and talked to several people about how long they were staying or what exactly happened to have their injuries. Well, I finally get called into the emergency room, because the nurse notices I have this big huge bump on my forehead. (I heard it was about the size of a goose egg. :odd:) Anyway, they scanned my brain and found nothing wrong and gave me a perscription for pain. They told me I would definately be sore in the morning, but gave me a antibiotic, I think, to rub on my arm where I peeled off so much skin.

Well, the next morning, I was not sore at all, felt no pain, and got completely better after 2 weeks. Suffered no pain at all.

But I can see in your case, Moo, that it would be difficult to get you in right away. Emergency rooms just get so busy nowadays, so I guess most have to expect delays. Glad your feeling better.

Did I mention that many people at the hospital were amazed by how much I hurt myself running on a scooter that doesn't have a motor and requires you to use your foot to accelerate? I got so much attention that day. :laughing:

06-20-2004, 12:55 PM
But I can see in your case, Moo, that it would be difficult to get you in right away. Emergency rooms just get so busy nowadays, so I guess most have to expect delays. Glad your feeling better.

You ain't kiddin! I have never in my life seen that ER so freakin busy. Ever. I've decided that when I go into labor, I'm gonna cut my arm off too, they only rush to admit you if you're bleeding and they see it.

06-20-2004, 02:49 PM
I think in the future, hospitals may need an Emergency Room, and a Holy Shit Biotch I'm Gonna Die If You Don't Get My Ass In There Right Now Room, or HSBIGDIYDGMAITRNR for short.