View Full Version : Small Issues

06-16-2004, 10:43 PM
Okay, I'm making a fairly basic dungeon only quest with the classic tileset. I've two problems.

1. Link walks over the walls between rooms inside the dungeon.

2. I can't get Link to start with the raft.

The first problem I don't know how to fix, but I suspect it's because of how I used the template option to set up the original room, and how I copied and pasted the room to make all the others. A layer issue, perhaps? Never dealth with those yet.

The second problem utterly befuddles me, because I've clicked the little checkbox, and I honestly don't know what else to do. I've done it right, and it's not like I could have gone wrong somewhere. For fun, I decided to check a bunch of other things in the column where the raft option was, and several other things didn't show up either, including the gold ring and the short bow. Is this a bug in 183, or am I honestly screwing up somewhere?

06-16-2004, 10:58 PM
1. Freeform dungeons rule turns off the auto layering for the edge of the room that would normally cover Link as he walked into a different room.

2. This one is weird. I can't explain it. Beta 184 has the same problem.

06-16-2004, 11:17 PM
Ah, I have freeform dungeons on. Thanks for the tip. As for the raft problem, that's certainly odd.

Also, I need to upgrade to 184, which for some reason I downgraded from. Oops.

06-16-2004, 11:22 PM
I've had no problems with the raft.
You have to begin with a dock combo and place flag #8 (I think it is) on the dock and everywhere the raft will go and flag #12 ( I think) for branches.

The raft doesn't do well in Dungeon dmaps, but works well in overworld and cave.

I don't understand what you mean by checking the column, you don't need to check anything to use the raft, unlike the ladder.

06-16-2004, 11:24 PM
Why not just make the raft an item Link can get in a cave near the beginning? In the first quest, Link gets the sword in the cave on the first screen. Do something like that except replace the sword with the raft.

06-16-2004, 11:47 PM
The problem I'm having is that I'm checking the box to give Link the raft as starting equipment. He's supposed to begin the game with it, and not have to pick it up. Since I can't find a fix for this, I've resorted to placing it on the beach next to him. I know how to use the raft, Freedom. I'm not a super noob or anything.

I turned off the freeform dungeons, but the layers are still goofy. Am I going to have to mess with them to get this fixed? Like I said before, I've never dealt with them before.

Another problem I've come across... When I send Link to the dungeon item room, he comes up from the bottom middle of the room, and the tiles are funky colored. Once I leave normally, I come out the exit just fine in the room. Perhaps this is because I have it set to a cave and not a dungeon?

06-17-2004, 05:16 AM
exactly. your dmap must be set as a dungeon for the itemroom to work like they should unless you want a cave like on the overworlds. :)

06-17-2004, 09:40 AM
The raft isn't the only item that is messed up! I can't start with the magic shield, bow, or white sword, although I have them checked on my initialize data. It has to be a bug in either the ZQEditor or the ZQPlayer.

06-17-2004, 11:01 AM
Oh ok you meant in init. data, I've had some problems there with it not giving maps too.

on the freeform dungeons, you just need to name the door combos "overhead"

06-17-2004, 10:08 PM
Okay, so I managed to squash the layer problem. Still no luck with the raft, but I have a work around for that. I've got nearly three dungeons finished so far, and no other new problems have cropped up. Thanks for the help!