View Full Version : Future Jobs

06-08-2004, 06:44 PM
I was just sitting here wondering what would be a job to have and another question popped into my head.
What is the most needed job in society today. In other words, what are the most employers looking for? I was thinking programming for like computers or video games but i wasn't sure.
I know at my age i don't even need a job but if your thinking i am stupid. I will be 14 when i am a Sophomore.

06-08-2004, 06:52 PM
I would say the most needed job in society today is Congressman immune to bribery and lobbying. I don't think there's been one for a few decades.

06-08-2004, 06:54 PM
Immune to bribery, yes. Immune to lobbying, no. Lobbying to get something done is a way for the people to make their voices heard. Isn't that how government is supposed to work?

I think what you're trying to say is that we need politicians without personal agendas. They're here to serve, and not to do what they want to do.

06-08-2004, 07:08 PM
No, lobbying is how corporations make their voices heard. Professional lobbyists get big fat paychecks. The people have to join together in crowds of thousands to have a voice as loud as this here friend from the RIAA who says the internet is stealing music and people are perfectly happy paying $20 for CDs.

Ibis, God of Magicks
06-08-2004, 07:13 PM
Actually, Nursing/medicine is in great demand. For so many years everyone has been going into computers. Computer grads have over-populated the market.

06-08-2004, 07:18 PM
No, jerks who think a CS degree or even worse, a certification, is the ticket to easy street have flooded the market with lots of people that have shiny degrees and no skill set. Natural selection is purging them from the system.

It would happen with Nursing/medicine, but you can't start in the ER with a diploma from University of Phoenix Online. I would have to argue that there is no "most needed" job in society. Everyone performs a service that contributes to our infrastructure running smoothly. Here's what I mean:

IT guys keep society's data accessible and help it get from one place to another. Without Electrical Engineers, though, a computer won't run. Also, if Joe wasn't in the factory producing chips, there would be no computer. No miners, no silicon, no computers. What about janitors? Without sanitation workers, living conditions would be poor and life expectancy would drop, therefore reducing the work force and decreasing productivity.

Everyone works together like communism only without the sharing. :)

06-08-2004, 07:27 PM
I want to be a Photographic Journalist!! :D

06-08-2004, 08:31 PM
Mechanics and engineers definitely have the advantage in the job market. Atma was going in the right direction. Skilled laborers will always have the highest demand. People can live without politicians, they survive without IT techs, they even manage to get by without licensed medical care but they need the people who design the bridges, build the engines, make things run. Software techs are always secondary to hardware techs. Entertainers will starve while plumbers eat. Programmers are fast falling out of demand so you may want to rethink that choice. Don't be the person who pushes the buttons. Be the person who makes the buttons work.


06-08-2004, 09:00 PM
Without software techs hardware techs are less productive. You can't make a nifty AutoCAD to tell your machines how to tool something without software. And don't even think about programming a robot without software, either, hard-wired instructions are too difficult to change and it is much more convenient to do a quick software swap than to redesign a logic network.

The mechanics and engineers are most visibly needed, but they depend invisibly on the efforts of countless other jobs. Granted, most work done in IT is non-essential, but to write programmers off as unnecessary is foolish, IMO. Demand is dropping, I agree, so if you want to be a programmer you need to look like something special.

06-08-2004, 09:06 PM
I think we need more small town doctors. The other day I was at the doctors office to have a wart removed, my appointment was at 4:45 and I didn't get in till 5:30.
If there's any thing we don't need it's video game designers. Way too many people want to become them because they think its a wicked easy job and they're lazy.

06-08-2004, 09:14 PM
At my hospital just to get a simple thing done takes literally about 6 to 7 hours to do. 3 hours waiting on the outside 3 hours waiting in your room. and the a coupls of minutes after the doctor is done with what he has to do. I don't think we need MORE doctors. I just think we need BETTER ones.

06-08-2004, 09:50 PM
I don't think we need MORE doctors. I just think we need BETTER ones. And CHEAPER ones. Medical costs are ridiculous.

06-08-2004, 10:20 PM
Ya i know but with society as it is, the prices will just rise and the government will pay less and less out for healthcare. What is really bad though is how i can get everything I need for free but yet elderly people who actually need it cannot get it.

06-08-2004, 10:25 PM
:) I'm going to college for engineering. Most likely computer engineering, but we'll see. All my engineering course (high school) so far have told me that engeering is in demand even as the job market has suffered.

06-08-2004, 10:26 PM
Trash Man!!!

Hey, you have to get rid of your trash somehow.;)

06-08-2004, 10:27 PM
Computer Science is in the College of Engineering here :cool:. I'm going to double major in Software Engineering though just for the heck of it.

06-08-2004, 10:29 PM
Actually, the trades are an area where there is a lot of opportunity right now. Things like plumbing, carprentry, electricity, and so on. Most are bypassing these in favor of a college education. So the supply of skilled trasemen has been decreasing, driving up the prices they can charge. So you could make pretty good money in this area.