View Full Version : Desperate need of HELP...I'm still stupid!

06-06-2004, 07:04 PM
Okay, I got some help on how to load quests that I've downloaded, but the directions I was given just werent corrisponding with what was on the screen. I'v followed the directions as best I can, but it still wont work. I really need all the help i can get. Maybe it's just a prob with the quests i'm tryin to use, the one I really want to play is PureQuest by Mr.Z. If any one can help me, i would truly appreciate, seeing as how i dont want to have to buy a new comp. Monitor b/c i cracked the screen.

06-07-2004, 07:26 AM
when you start up hit the start button until you see the familiar game registering screen from the legend of zelda. scroll down and select register name and type in a name. now highlight that name and press the action but (this 'a' button on the old nes controller. you may way to check out what they are set to in ZC). this will open a dialog asking for a custom quest. hit browse. this dialog works like any other windows file dialog. browse to the directory that the quest is in. you have to know this before hand or you will waste your day searching your computer for the file in ZC. then just highlight the file and click 'open' (or it may be 'load' or 'ok'. do the one that looks like the right answer). now you should see the original dialog that had popped up only now it will have teh custom quest info in the box in the middle of the dialog. then click ok. you will now be back on the game registration screen. you will see the name you registered and a came icon (like link or something) next to it depending on what the quest's creator has chosen for the starting game icon. then just click start while that quest is highlighted it should start no problem. One thing to note. If you register and start a new quest in ZC and the second quest you register is in a different location than the first, ZC will say it cannot find the first quest you registered. to solve this i usually use one quest space one the registration screen so that i can load a new quest to it and have the current directory reset to the one i want to use. the more simple way however is to keep all of your quests in the same directory. also, until you die or save the game you can change which custom quest is set to a registered name space. after one of these things happen that name space is dedicated to that custom quest. this should be about all you need to know about quest loading.