View Full Version : Windmill blades

06-05-2004, 09:38 PM
Since I want the tiles in my quest to look the best they can, I kinda figured a 3 frame windmill animation just wouldn't make the cut, so I used a program to rotate them and make the animations 9 frames, which makes the animation look much smoother than before. The side effect is that it blurred the colors a bit, but that seems to have made it look even better than without it. Here's a pic comparing the old windmill to the new one: http://questwizard.servegame.com/files/wmillss.gif
The new one is on the left, and the old one is on the right.

Here is the tile sheet for the new one: http://questwizard.servegame.com/files/wmilltiles.gif
These tiles use their own cset, so it may not fit in with all different tilesets unless you recolor them, which may not be a very easy task. If you want to just grab the cset for them, grab cset 4 from the tile sheet.

06-05-2004, 10:01 PM
Thanks, QW! ^_^ .. So how many colors are we talkin' exactly? .. If the windmill blades use their own Cset.. *Makes throat slicing motions* .. Perhaps I'll try to rip and recolor them, if necessary. :) Thanks very much. :) It'll surely benefit the whole community! ^_^

06-05-2004, 10:27 PM
They use 13 of the 16 colors in the cset, including the transparent color. The 3 remaining green colors are there in case you need a couple different colors other than what the blades use.

06-05-2004, 10:34 PM
... Yes.. But... that's not being very efficient, not is it? :p .. Tell ya what. I'll try my hand at it, reduce a few colors after isolating a few things, .. and .. how does 4 colors sound? .. Maybe I can even make it so they use 4 White/Gray colors, and 3 Brown colors? .. How does that sound?

(That is, of course, using the standard Pure set overworld palatte. ;) )

06-05-2004, 10:41 PM
Im using my own custom palette, and that cset those are in is actually cset 4 of my light world palette. I made sure to do them in that cset since it had the most shades of the 2 colors I needed, that way I didn't have to attempt to work around it by changing my already existing light world palette to support it.

06-05-2004, 11:00 PM

... So... were you speaking to me in that post, or did you merely forget to say something important in your previous post? :odd: ... Just making sure I haven't missed anything, because you didn't really answer me with information I could use...

Your stuff is fine. I'm talking about converting it for use in the Pure Set. Most people couldn't use your windmill in its current form, since nobody will really want to add an entire Cset to a palatte just for a windmill.