View Full Version : Letter in 3rd Quest?

06-04-2004, 03:40 PM
I can't seem to find the letter for the old lady in the 3rd quest (I'm doing well other than that so far). Anyone know where it's at? Or.. if you don't want to just flat out tell me you can give me a whereabout location to look. Thanks!

06-04-2004, 10:33 PM
http://casadealphadawg.com/zc/o3q/index.html ;)

Have fun with the 3rd quest, it's a doozy, esp level 7 and level 9

06-04-2004, 10:49 PM
Been a while since I've played this one...

I think it's on the island where the heart container used to be, that you need the raft to get to. I seem to specifically remember being annoyed that I couldn't get potions... :blah:

*remembers about the raft*

Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure now that that's where it was. You don't get the raft 'til level 5, which contains lanmolas and blue darknuts up the wazoo...I was QUITE happy to finally get the raft, 'cause I took such a beating in level 5, and I'd had a hunch that the letter was on the island... :laughing:

06-05-2004, 12:17 AM
Thanks, I just beat the 5th level too.. I must have missed the raft though... damnit. That means i gotta go back in. Luckily I have the magic sword now which means ass kickin to them darknuts.