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View Full Version : First steps to an enemy editor...

06-03-2004, 01:36 PM
instead of going all out and creating an enemy editor that can allow totally new enemies, why not start with something small, like this;

OK, right now, if we want a new enemy, like, say you want to make a human archer along with the Red and Black moblins. right now, all we can do is change the graphic it uses, right? well, this editor would allow a new enemy, with pre-existing stats (HP, damage it deals, what weapon it shoots, ect...), only you can define what tiles it uses for the sprites. so, instead of having to change a moblin into the archer, you could create a new graphic for the archer and still keep the Red and Black moblins. you could also define what sprite pallete it uses (7-9, then the extra sprite palletes), and define the behavior (stalfos, moblin, leever, ect..)

so, instead of defining ALL aspects of the enemy, we just define that graphics and behavior. does this sound a little more do-able then a full scale editor?

06-03-2004, 06:31 PM
I think that this is an excellent idea. It would save people from trying to put certain enemies here or there. They could use whatever they wanted anywhere. Great idea *b*.

06-16-2004, 12:00 AM
I love the idea, and don't care if I'm bumping this.
It would be good to be able to do this, and I could think of uses in Enlil's army in my quest.

07-13-2004, 12:57 AM
Keep in mind that an enemy has just a few characteristics that make it special:

movement patterns/speed
ability to walk on water/land
special (shield, etc)

Except for bosses, these are the only real variations on the enemies in the game. Why have the preset types at all? Depending on how the game was programmed this could be easy or really hard. If the game has all of the enemies hard-coded then it'll be a major pain and the system you suggested would work best. If the code is in favor of more generic enemies that fit a data structure you could do away with preset enemies alltogether.

07-13-2004, 07:47 AM
Well texasdex, this is more of a compromise I believe for the time being. :shrug: Instead of asking what you're asking for, which is practically full customability, we just build on previously made enemies. Then, later on down the road, the rest of what you're asking for will be added. What you are asking for could take months to get into Zelda Classic.

If you can't tell, I support this idea. It would be a nice compromise, and maybe it will shut the noobs up that are asking for the enemy editor constantly. <.<