View Full Version : help mah again

05-27-2004, 08:16 PM
i'm really sorry, but i'm trying to make a room where link enters, talks to a guy, and gets an item. i'm using pure v.2 and ior some reason, i just can't do it. he's not going to a cave, i sent him to map 9 (i'm using that map for all my house interiors) and i put an inside room in there.

basically, i guess i'm just trying to make npcs/signs, i know that you can do something with the "fire guy" and pit tiles, i think, please help! :( and i know that they don't do everything npcs do in z3, but...

05-28-2004, 07:06 AM
So if I understand correctly you want a room similar to the opening sword cave in LOZ. Walk in and the guy says some stuff and you get an item. This is best explained in the official zquest tutorial which can be found on the zelda classic web site but here are some things to consider.

map number does not matter. this is an issue of dmap properties really. you need to make sure your level number is something other than zero. If this is not an area where you receive a triforce piece than you also want it to be a level number about 9. I'm not sure whether or not having dmap set to cave, overworld or dungeon matters but i do know that this can work with cave and dungeon dmap types. make sure you have the room assigned a guy and a message string. the message string is created in Quest -> Strings but to assign the room you must be on the room's screen and go to Data -> Message String and select the created string you want to use. set your room type to Sp. Item in Data -> Room Type and then select the item you want to receive in the Data -> Sp. Item (this will only be available after selecting the room type). Then just make sure you set your tile/side warps (whichever is applicable) correctly and it should work just fine. I guess that's basically what the tutorial would tell you but the tutorial will give you a step by step procedure with nice pictures.