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View Full Version : Turn off "Snow" Option

05-25-2004, 06:17 PM
When I was using the ZQuest Alpha, I noticed that there was a "snow" effect on blank screens of a dmap (The little box in the lower left-hand corner). It seems to slow down my computer a bit when this effect is on. Would there be any chance that we would be able to turn it off? :shrug:

I find it a bit annoying, and it makes it harder to see the other screens. :uhoh:

Dark Nation
05-28-2004, 04:23 PM
What if I make it an option to only update the snow once per second (for slower computers)? Thoughts anyone?

05-28-2004, 04:33 PM
I'd rather just be able to turn it off. I know the idea was that this way you can see the rooms no matter which color they are, but for the most part I also find it distracting.

05-30-2004, 12:08 AM
be alble to, yes, not remove it completley. I like it, it makes finding my screens alot easier

05-30-2004, 11:08 PM
be alble to, yes, not remove it completley. I like it, it makes finding my screens alot easier
True. I like the snow myself but sometimes my computer lags when I'm playing a MIDI through zquest and maybe the snow helps contribute to the lagginess. :shrug: but it would be nice to make the snow "stop" animating and just to keep it as one static frame there in zquest. I like it for the fact tht it let's me locate used screens when the screens have somehow been colored black on that minimap at the bottom corner. :odd: