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View Full Version : "The Search for Elise" is done

05-23-2004, 06:49 PM
The quest is completed and I was wondering if a few people would like to bug test it.
I've tested it very carefully as I've built it and there will be very few bugs.

I was looking for someone that has the time to invest to get it done quickly so I can go ahead and release it.
Please don't apply if you just want to play it, it's going to be released in a few days anyway.

Any takers?
Just need a couple.

05-23-2004, 06:51 PM
i will help.. i always seem to have time on my hands..

05-23-2004, 06:59 PM
I was looking for someone a little more experienced with the program, guess I should have made that clear... sorry.
I see you just today downloaded the 192-184, so you really won't know what to look for in bugtesting this right now, but thanks for offering.

I would like it tested in the 184 and the 183 to check for continue problems but it was designed to be played on the 184 player.

05-23-2004, 07:04 PM
ive downloaded the programs a year ago... cant remember what version, and i had alot of custom quests to play.. but i got a new computer so i have none of that stuff anymore.. so im not new at this

in fact i was halfway done with a quest i made till i got my new computer...

05-24-2004, 08:12 AM
Freedom if you've already pretested it why don't you just release it and let us all give you feedback on any bugs found? The more that play the more likely we'll find any "left over bugs" that you might have missed.

05-24-2004, 08:24 AM
Yeah I agree with Fajz. Please just release the quest and anyone who plays this new one will tell you if there's a problem. I'm willing to bet that there really aren't any major "bugs" in this new quest either Freedom. I've played your other 3 quests and I can't wait to play this one.


05-24-2004, 09:21 AM
I think Fajz and ms_zelda_lady are the perfect testers why don't you both sign up ;)

05-24-2004, 12:01 PM
Hey elise thanks for the compliment but we both know you are a better player than I am. Actually since the search really is for you maybe you should be the tester.


05-24-2004, 12:27 PM
God what's wrong with you people, I put a thousand plus hours in a quest to give you for free and you bitch and whine about a couple of hours testing it?

Ok I'll just release it.

05-24-2004, 12:33 PM
I'll test it if you like.

05-24-2004, 12:38 PM
Its not that I don't want to test it Freedom.... I don't think I'm a good enough player to test for you. Your quests are the best and if you think I'm worthy sign me up.


05-24-2004, 01:28 PM
I think this is becoming a big miss communication between Freedom and what he is looking for and the players.
I think Freedom is just looking for a few players that played already quite a few quests
to play through the Quest to look if everything is alright.
We know where to look for and where we can walk into the bugs ( if there is one ),
like bushes.
There is nothing more annoying for a player then to reach level 9 and to find he misses a triforce piece or he can not get over a bridge,
and it's also annoying for a quest maker if he releases a quest and there are still bugs in that could have been prevented , and he have to upload his quest several times.
So the only thing he askes is for some players to play this quest and report bugs.
Well I can do that I am in

05-24-2004, 02:23 PM
And people hate to download a 3 meg quest a dozen times to get one that works right.

I'm releasing it above, and hoping there are no major bugs I've overlooked, but I have to say it's possible because this was a pretty intense quest to build, the town changes each time you finish a level, so this made testing a little difficult, because to properly test it the boss of each level had to be beaten, the town checked and then the next level beaten... and so on, plus there are a lot of layered flags and cut scenes.

I was hoping to get it tested in the 183 so I could fix any possible continue bugs, but as is you better play it on the 184

05-24-2004, 03:53 PM
Thanks for releasing it to everyone. I'm sure its gonna be great and that there really isn't any major bugs.
