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J.J. Maxx
05-23-2004, 08:55 AM

I have a sinus infection. I've never had one of these before and it sucks. Big Time. It's like having a headache in your face. Both sides of you face just throb with pain.

So I'm drinking my liquids, tylenol and steaming. Stupid frail human bodies.

It's not bad enough I've had a cold for the past week, now this. GAY.

05-23-2004, 09:28 AM
That really, really sucks. Can't say i've had one. I don't get sick very often, but when i do, i still can't get a fucking day off.

05-23-2004, 10:44 AM
I had something like that before, not sure if it was a sinus infection, but it messed up equilibrium and I had trouble walking straight. It was awful. I just remember the doctor gave me medicine that I had to sniff up my nose to use.

Hope you start feeling better. Be sure to eat lots of soup :)

05-23-2004, 10:47 AM
I remeber having an ear infection. GOD THAT HURT! I got it when I went to camp and it felt like there was a hot knife sticking into your ears.

05-23-2004, 11:12 AM
I actually got a few ear infections when i was a child. I don't know what was more painful for me back then, the infection itself, or the horrible medicine i had to take!

05-23-2004, 01:26 PM
I remember when I had mono... ugh. It makes you so tired, but I couldn't sleep cause I also had a sore throat... that was swollen almost completely shut. When I did sleep, I snored so loudly that it woke me up. You could literally see how swollen my throat was, cause my neck was huge. It looked manly. It sucked, too, becausse it happened during the last couple of weeks of school, when we were doing a big project in our Website Design class... I was paired up with someone who, while I was away, put 5 frames on one of the pages. That was a pain in the ass. I eventually had to start going back to school for that class, and stayed the rest of the day, sometimes I went home. It was horrible. I took steroids. lol

Ganon's Minion
05-23-2004, 02:27 PM
Sorry to hear that JJ. Sounds like a kick in the ass. I haven't had any sicknesses of any kind for the last while. I feel special. Oh well, I've been poppin' the pills (by pills I mean vitamins ;)) to keep my immune system up and running. Meh. Hope you feel better soon.

05-23-2004, 03:49 PM
Man that sucks.

I had appendecitis, but I didn't know it. I stayed home for a week and ate, I kid you not, three cookies an a couple glasses of lemonade the entire time. Then I went to the hospital and they told me if I had waited another day to come I would be dead. So I was on my back for two weeks recovering, and I had to learn how to walk again when it was all over.

I don't know it that helps out any, but I hope you feel better. It sounds like it sucks major ass.

05-23-2004, 09:10 PM
Yeah, sinus infections are a bitch.

Think that hurts? When I was little I had problems with bloody noses and had to go to the emergency room to get the blood vessles singed together so they wouldt bleed anymore. Try having burnt chunks of nose skin falling out your nose for a week. If I recall, the pain lasted for 3 days, and even then painkillers could only make it hurt less.

05-23-2004, 09:20 PM
I used to have nose bleed problems too... so bad to the point that I would pass out. Eventually I had to have my adnoids taken out. Helped some, but not much.

05-23-2004, 09:28 PM
I used to have many many ear infections when I was younger, I finally found out I had a hole in my ear drum. I had surgery to fix it and laid in bed screaming for 2 weeks. Meh. Hope you feel better!

05-24-2004, 01:22 AM
one time I had poison suemac in this one little spot and it spread all over my body. I swear its the worst rash ever. if i fell asleep my eyes would get stuck closed and I couldnt function publically at all because I ... I was jigglypuff. thats a good description.

hope its nothing like that and hope you get better dude.

05-24-2004, 02:02 AM
All I can say is:OW.

The most I've had that I can remember is when I got a nose bleed a couple years ago. My nose was gushing out so much blood that they ended up plugging it up with a balloon up my nose. :(

05-24-2004, 10:05 AM
I hate when I get sick and snot just comes running out my nose and there is no way to stop it. I plug it with a tissue but it just gets backed up and flows out even more freely when I take it out.

Having any kind of cold just sucks. Like when you are dead tired, but can't sleep, and you hurt all over.

Again, hope you feel better.