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05-17-2004, 10:30 PM
What is your favorite and least fav. game developer? Sony, Nintendo, Sega, Camelot, Capcom.... etc. I personaly like Nintendo the best. I dislike Microsoft the most i say the only reason they still have money is because they started out with so muuch money.

05-17-2004, 10:33 PM
My fave is Sega, with Nintendo close behind, like very very close.

05-17-2004, 10:42 PM
my favorite developer is Nintendo, followed by Capcom(Megaman), Camelot(Golden Sun), and Ban Dai(.hack), then Sega. I can't decide my least favorite

05-18-2004, 01:32 PM
my fav developer is Nintendo, then it is Sega

05-18-2004, 02:58 PM
Heh, this is a tough one. I used to be a huge Square fan, then a Capcom fan...

1: Nintendo
2: Konami
3: Sammy (Only at #3 because I can't name any games they've released in the U.S. besides Guilty Gear... but that alone's enough for me.)

Least favorite? ....
1: I hate to say it, but Sega. Don't get me wrong, I can see very easily why their games are so popular. They are EXCELLENT games. I just don't like to play them. Nothing I know of is wrong with them, per se. I just don't enjoy them.

Edit: Well, here's some irony. Earlier TODAY, Sammy officially merged with Sega. So what does that mean for me?

Ibis, God of Magicks
05-18-2004, 03:00 PM
What about Square/Enix?

05-18-2004, 05:11 PM
Capcom. Their franchises might not be as popular as Nintendo's, but they're cooler. I wish they would reclaim their status as "best fighting game developer" by making SF4...

They hold contests in Japan where creative people produce a boss for upcoming Mega Man games, with the winner getting his/her character put into the game. If only they extended the contest to North America...I wonder what the entries would be like. :)

Capcom usually have characters based off of famous people in their games more often than you'd think. You've seen it in SF2 with Balrog, and most recently you've seen Jean Reno in Onimusha 3. But in several of their games they do this (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Capcom vs. SNK 2, to name a few).

05-18-2004, 05:20 PM

They hold contests in Japan where creative people produce a boss for upcoming Mega Man games, with the winner getting his/her character put into the game. If only they extended the contest to North America...I wonder what the entries would be like. :)

A long time ago, Nintendo Power held a contest where people had to design bosses for the next Mega Man game. It was really cool because many of the entries were printed in a multi-page spread after the contest was over. The winning ones were Knight Man and Wind Man (from Mega Man 6)

If you couldn't already tell from many of my other posts, Nintendo is my favorite developer. I don't know who I'd pick for a second, maybe Capcom - a lot of their newer games have impressed me lately.

Ganon's Minion
05-18-2004, 10:27 PM
Favorite - Nintendo

Least Favorite - Microsoft



05-19-2004, 01:50 AM
Most favorite:

1. Microsoft Game Studios and almost all of the developers they have taken in. They may have started out with the most money, but god damn they have gotten REALLY good at picking out stellar developers, especailly since the Xbox has matured. (Project Gotham Racing 2, Ralisport Challenge 2) Plus, they have the FASA licence, which gives them control over such awesome games as MechAssault and Crimson Skies.
2. Nintendo - I was a little disappointed with some recent offerings, but Wario Ware and Mario Kart Double Dash more than made up for it. Plus, realistic Zelda. REALISTIC ZELDA, DAMNIT!!!!111
3. Konami - Never ceases to amaze me, more music games than you can shake a stick at, plus other awesome titles like MGS2.
4. Ubisoft - So many stellar titles coming out. So many stellar titles under its belt already. It's a great time to be an Ubisoft exec.
5. SEGA - They are one of my least favorites on the faovites list because they're so god damned finicky. How can you release stellar games like Rez, Phantasy Star Online, Jet Set Radio Future, Super Monkey Ball and Panzer Dragoon Orta and yet release total dog shit like Sonic Heroes, a bunch of other forgettable games, and have a 2004 E3 lineup that is totally unimpressive except for Phantasy Star Universe? Not to mention that there is no mention of Initial D Arcade coming stateside. The Dreamcast era shows they have talant, but only time will tell what the Sammy merger will do...

Least Favorite:

1. CAPCOM. Jesus christ, these guys are pissing me off. They take HOW MANY years to port Street Fighter 3 Third Strike to the XBOX and PS2? Their Mega Man offerings have gotten less and less interesting, and then they announce "CAPCOM FIGHTING JAM" at E3, which is basically CAPCOM vs. CAPCOM, and it still looks like they're using the same fucking sprites from 10 years ago. Or hell, maybe you should play around with the forumula a little bit and make us a weapon based 2D fighting game that kicks more ass than Last Blade 2 or Samurai Showdown 2, because SNK in it's current state isn't able to put out (SNK vs. Capcom Chaos, UGH!!!). Or maybe, just maybe, get on with making Auto Modelista 2 with more than 10 courses and a physics and control system that doesn't completely suck ass. And stop with the Resident Evil games. Please.
2. Midway: I can't remember a single Midway game in recent memory that I enjoyed playing. Please god, just give us a Xbox San Fransisco Rush with every single course from every single Rush game and make it online. I'll never stop playing it.
3. Electronic Arts: You better make good on your promise to use Xbox Live. So many good games with great online potential wasted on Sony's piece of shit network adapter. Also, Battlefield 1942 sucks.
4. Sony Computer Entertainment America: Why do I not find any of your recent games interesting in the least? Greenlight Frequency 3, then we'll talk.

05-19-2004, 01:47 PM
Nintendo is the best. Sony and Microsoft equal last. Sega and capcom equal second.
Oh, and camelot 2nd too.

05-20-2004, 06:26 PM
Does it really matter each develper has some goode games, and some not so good games. It really depends on the way you see the deferent things each develaper puts out.

King Link
05-27-2004, 05:03 PM
Nintendo because I respect their great products and game series, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby (is that exclusive to Nintendo?) and many other titles. They are also making great deals recently with companies like Capcom, Square Enix and Namco, with games like Resident Evil 4, the recent Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and the newest GameCube RPGs, Baten Kaitos and Tales of Symphonia from Namco.

Also, Nintendo has three platforms now; GCN, GBA and DS.

Second would be Sega, followed by the other companies in no particular order.