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View Full Version : The Last Laptop I Will Ever Own

05-17-2004, 10:06 AM
I had an Apple iBook, until last night that is. It was giving me problems...as in, it wouldn't start up. So I put in the OS X install disk which would wipe my hard drive and reinstall the OS. It froze as it had done at least five times before that night, but I was hopeful so I was going to let it run all night and maybe, just maybe it would be fine in the morning.

But no.

The keys to turn off the screen weren't working, so I slid the computer under my bed so the light wouldn't keep me awake. I lay back and try to go to sleep and seconds later I hear a loud FSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, and the light from the screen went out.

I pulled my computer out from under my bed. The screen was black, the power cable was barely flickering, instead of the steady green glow it gives when it is charging. I turn on the lights and see a small amount of water on my trackpad.

There was only a drop of water, so I didn't think much of it. So I turned it upside down to take out the battery because I thought water had gotten in there, so I wanted it to dry out. I flipped the iBook over again and the keyboard was covered in water, and no matter what I did, more water kept dripping out of it.

First I tried to dry out what water I could find, but that didn't work. Then I took out the keyboard so I could remove the AirPort (Network) card, because it wasn't mine, and I don't have the money to pay for a new one. Thankfully everything underneath the keyboard appeared dry.

I stuck a shirt under the computer, to catch any water draining out, and I flipped the keyboard upside down, so any water in there could drain out, and I left it to dry overnight.

I looked under my bed and there was an old leaky icepack with a steady stream of water pouring out of it. The icepack was given to me by the hospital when I broke my leg. Yet another evil done unto me by that frickin' leg. But I have to remember, if I had never injured myself, I would have never signed up here. So I guess it's not all bad...I just don't have a computer any more. :(

05-17-2004, 10:15 AM
So was the freezing caused by water? Or was the unrelated?

Either way there goes a very expensive piece of equipment. Don't say you'll never get another laptop. Someday you probably will simply because they are more convenient than desktops.

05-17-2004, 10:28 AM
That sucks. Alot.

05-17-2004, 10:29 AM
That sucks dude :( OS X is a pretty sweet OS too.

Laptops are nice cause you can take them around with you, but that's about it. Otherwise they cost much more than desktops, and can't be upgraded as much or as easily as desktops. We've been lucky with our old HP laptop. It's only a 433 MHz AMD K6-2, with an 8 meg video card and a 5 gig hard drive, but it's perfect for surfing the web. I recently put some more RAM in it so it doesn't have to use virtual memory so much, but the memory management in Windows 98 isn't very good regardless, and I may put Windows XP on it if it really pisses me off again.

05-17-2004, 11:55 AM
The computer was freezing because of bugs etc. I am going to get a desktop next because I want to be able to upgrade it easily. I didn't take my laptop out of the house much, so desktop it is.

05-17-2004, 12:35 PM
yeah, there's alot of times i wish i had a desktop as opposed to the laptop. then again, when we have major storms that knock out power, it's nice to have two hours to play games, watch DVDs, or whatever.

05-17-2004, 12:37 PM
yeah, there's alot of times i wish i had a desktop as opposed to the laptop. then again, when we have major storms that knock out power, it's nice to have two hours to play games, watch DVDs, or whatever.

That's why I have both.
However, I hardly use my desktop. It sits there collecting dust most of the time. I only use it if I need the graphical and sound capabilities that my laptop doesn't have.

05-18-2004, 09:49 AM
Well, I guess it dried out or something, because I was able to turn it on last night and begin to reinstall the OS. I'll play with it more and see if I can get it to work.

05-18-2004, 10:24 AM
I washed and dried my 256 MB USB 2.0 key by accident (it was in the pocket of my pants) and it didn't even lose the information on it. :cool:

05-18-2004, 12:08 PM
Damn, that really sucks... should have gotten the accident insurance (well, only if you're not in California can you get that, at least for dell...) I suppose they think us Californians are accident prone. lol

05-18-2004, 12:13 PM
The warranty just ran out. Otherwise I could have done anything to it and they would have fixed it no questions asked.

Now I am going to have trouble getting my 1000 before my 90 days. Oh well. Not like it matters anyway.

05-18-2004, 12:43 PM
...should have gotten the accident insurance...You mean the one that gives you money if you are sick and can't work?

05-18-2004, 01:42 PM
I wish I had a laptop...

05-18-2004, 02:53 PM
Thats aweful man... What make of iBook do you have... On the older ones Apple has Logic Board replacement program... what you were describing earlier could be what they call a video freeze.
