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05-14-2004, 03:28 PM
I've recently found the need for more palletes, and when I tried using 12-14, they didn't work

in light of this, could it be possible to add them to the available palletes that we can use for tiles? we can use up to 11 then it goes back to 0. it might be handy for very graphical quests to use this feature

05-14-2004, 04:15 PM
It might be a pain, but you can accomplish this by using the CSET2 option on your combos.

Dark Nation
05-14-2004, 04:24 PM
4 cset ranges are reserved for special and system colors, I believe... I can give a better answer once I get home and look at the source code.

05-14-2004, 04:41 PM
I seem to remember that 1 is reserved for the GUI, one is reserved for boss monsters, and one is probably misc. system colors. That leaves 1 cset I can't figure out what its use is.

What would be more useful perhaps would be to allow csets 0 and 1 (and perhaps the higher number ones too) to vary from pallete to pallete. I currently use 0 and 1 for overworld scenery, so it would be nice to have that sort of flexability in dungeons and so forth. Since each cset should only use 32 bytes, an extra 64 bytes per pallete should not be a big deal at all. Or even another 224 bytes per pallete if csets 0, 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 11 were all added in.

I did a little research and here's what I've found (note that this was in beta 183 using a modified BS graphics quest):
12: lots of gray shades
13: lots of yellow shades
14: boss cset is placed here when you enter a room with a boss.
15: yellow, orange, blue, black, etc - this looks like the colors from the old ZQuest GUI. (this is reinforced by the fact that this is the one cset that can't be edited in ZQuest, since editing the GUI colors would change how the GUI looked)

So if any csets are available, they would be 12 and 13. In particular, they remain unchanged between ZQuest and when you play the quest in ZC. So if you wanted to use them, you already could using the cset 2 trick FCF mentioned above.

05-14-2004, 04:59 PM
I think 12 is used for the yellow flash that occurs in BS style quests when you get a piece of triforce. 14 is the boss palette. Can't remember for 13.

05-14-2004, 05:13 PM
OK. I think I've got it now:
12 - this used to be the grayscale cset used to change the appearance of the screen when you went into ZC's GUI. If you change this cset and look closely, you'll see its colors flash over the screen for an instant before the screen is changed to the more modern fashion of taking the old image and simply modifying the colors into a grayscale series. Thus, other than that brief flash, this cset is unused.
13 - this is the golden cset. I suspect that it is the same as cset 12 but for the triforce. Thus this one might also be unused.
14 - boss cset goes here
15 - GUI cset.

Thus, we may have 2 more csets available for use.

05-14-2004, 05:22 PM
FCF, I tried using CSet2 to get the 12-14 palletes, but when I set it, it makes an unkown pallete that I can't find, so it's probably the system colors

is it possible to increase the number of available palletes for the next alpha/beta?

05-14-2004, 06:48 PM
*b* -
unfortunately, it will look odd in ZQuest. When you go into ZC though, you'll find that it correctly uses the colors for csets 12 and 13. 14 is one you should not use because it changes whenever you fight a different boss.