View Full Version : Beats of Rage

Slider Zero
05-13-2004, 08:01 PM
.........This is quite possibly the BEST homebrew game EVER.

Beats of Rage is a sort-of tribute to the Streets of Rage series. You prteey much have the same gameplay system and such, but with a few MAJOR exceptions:

First: KOF characters Mandy, Kula, and Max are your beatdown stars here, and they have quite the arsenal at thier disposal....

Second: MODDING. The ability to add in just about anything to the base game....Already there are several Mods in existance, along with ather characters to play as....ranging from old favorites (RYU, Terry, even the almighty AKUMA) to peeps you just wanted to see in a good-old beat em up (Megaman, Protoman, ALUCARD)

.....and to top it off, not only is it available for use on most of the major platforms (PS2, XBOX, and the ever-popular Dreamcast) AND the PC, but it's ABSOLUTELY FREE.

If you haven't heard of this game, then get it. NOW. It's that good.

BOR can be found @ http://senileteam.segaforums.com/

(...now to turn off the comp b4 the storm here thrashes it... :)

05-14-2004, 03:24 PM
File Size: 53.6MB.
ETD: ~4 Hours.

That's... absolutely lovely... My dialup connection is the best thing ever.

05-14-2004, 03:27 PM
Streets of Rage was always one of my favorite Genesis games. Thanks for pointing this out!

Slider Zero
05-14-2004, 05:34 PM
File Size: 53.6MB.
ETD: ~4 Hours.

That's... absolutely lovely... My dialup connection is the best thing ever.
Don't feel bad...It took me just as long on MY dialup connection.

I hope none of the mods try and take this as advertising, because It's more like "letting people know of a great game that has no major backing (thus, no ad campaign)." Besides, it's too good for me not to tell the rest of the forum about it in one way or another...

Oh yeah...be sure to check out the megaman mod too....you will like it.....

05-15-2004, 09:12 PM
I just waited until I had acess to a computer with broadband and a CD-Burner. MUCH better. Now I just have to figure out which mods to try out... Heh, I've already half-modded Rock Howard into a game. Interesting considering I've never actually played a game by SNK or anything.
The only problems I've encountered so far are a lack of a dash function (And the sequel is supposed to handle that), lack of multiplayer-without-everyone-crowding-around-the-same-computer (If I can find my old joypad and get it to work, that's fixed.), and no leveling-up or stuff like that (Which is understandable, it not being in the origional and making little-to-no-sense, but I still think that'd be a cool addition, in a River-City-Ransom-y or King-of-Dragons-y way.)

Oh, and the sound doesn't work. But that's just irrelevant, because it works on my brothers. So I'll just ignore it or play on his. All in all, a pretty impressive (NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING) little program.