View Full Version : What's the difference between...

05-08-2004, 04:36 PM
What's the difference between amulet1 and amulet2? As far as I can tell, they both show invisible enemies. It there something else amulet2 does that I'm not getting?

Also, to avoid further questions like this, does anyone know of a list of all items and their properties? A link to such a list would be most welcome.

05-08-2004, 08:02 PM
at this point, i think they do do the same thing. the amulet2 isn't implemented yet.

05-09-2004, 02:18 AM
Originally, there was only one amulet, and one level of invisibility for enemies. They were either completely visible or completely invisible, depending on whether or not you had the amulet.

Then someone (I don't remember who) got the bright idea to have a TWO-tiered invis. setup:
- You have no amulet:
- - enemies with level 1 invis exhibit the Predator-like cloaking effect
- - enemies with level 2 invis are totally invisible
- You have the level 1 amulet:
- - enemies with level 1 invis are totally visible
- - enemies with level 2 invis exhibit the Predator-like cloaking effect
- You have the level 2 amulet:
- - all enemies totally visible

However, Dark Nation never got around to fully implementing it, so now ZC is stuck with a hybrid of the two systems. If you have either or both amulets, you see all enemies; but if you have no amulets, they all give off the Predator effect. :p