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View Full Version : Fuck the US, CNN is the real superpower

05-05-2004, 05:39 PM
Have you been keeping up with these reports of abuse by American soldiers in Iraq? Even if such allegations are true, the American media is singlehandedly responsible for the onslaught of negative public sentiment for the war that is bound to occur. I mean, they report on one story and blow everything way out of proportion, and soon we're pulling out "Saigon-style" because opinion and support has dropped so low that protests and riots break out.

Or the media can report on a certain car company who released a few defective cars and suddenly public opinion cripples the company and they're forced to close their doors and fire thousands.

I'm seriously wondering who has more power: a senator, or a news anchor.

05-05-2004, 05:41 PM
or maybe, those soldiers shouldn't have done it in the first place. sure it was funny, but there's always a squealer.

05-05-2004, 05:49 PM
Not only that, the media will go everywhere, and even report on stuff that shouldn't be.
"This just in, top secret, US officials are closing in on Bin Laden. Unless he deviates from his present course, we will catch him within a few days. Let's hope he's not watching this. *chuckle*"

It's like they don't understand that people aside from Americans can view this too. They seem to think that the public has the right to know. Why? So they can run around panicking. The public can't do anything, all the media does is give stuff away.

05-05-2004, 06:16 PM
They are also so talkative about our strategies and technology available in war. I thinik the best thing we could possibly do is have the major news media shot, just for fun. I'd watch it and they'd get great ratings.

05-05-2004, 06:20 PM
all the media does is give stuff away. ive actually meantioned that IRL many times... its like, everytime something good is going to happen, like when we were closing in on Saddam:

"we are close to this location, blah blah, Saddam is believed to be in that area."

meanwhile Saddam's loyals told him and he moves, and we were S.O.L.

05-05-2004, 06:40 PM
The media has an unbelievable amount of control over the US, and very few people seem to realize it. How often has someone been falsely accused of a crime, raped and reamed by the media, found to be innocent, and unable to return to their previous life because no one trusts them anymore?

He who writes the history book is the one who rules the world.

05-05-2004, 07:12 PM
Can't say I blame the soldiers. C'mon, they're getting shot at by these guys.

And yes, the media does suck.

05-05-2004, 09:43 PM
Haha, MN Governor Ventura always blasted the media. Then the media would report that and people would get mad at him about it. It's he way the world works I guess. Apparently, he's thinking about running for president (which I hope he doesn't, he'd be pretty bad at it after his track record as our governor), it would be interesting to see how that would go over with him in the oval office. :D

05-05-2004, 09:44 PM
Haha, MN Governor Ventura always blasted the media. Then the media would report that and people would get mad at him about it. It's he way the world works I guess. Apparently, he's thinking about running for president (which I hope he doesn't, he'd be pretty bad at it after his track record as our governor), it would be interesting to see how that would go over with him in the oval office. :D

Yeesh. And people think Bush has bad foreign policy. We'd probably turn on the tube and find out he'd challenged Osama to a wrestling match or something.

05-05-2004, 09:47 PM
Yeesh. And people think Bush has bad foreign policy. We'd probably turn on the tube and find out he'd challenged Osama to a wrestling match or something.

I'd pay to watch that!
We could watch Osama beat him over the head with his dialysis machine! Fun.

05-06-2004, 03:22 PM
Remember that according to the Bill of Rights the media can report anything it has access to. If the government wishes to keep something secret it should try ensuring the media doesn't have access to it.

05-06-2004, 03:29 PM
The media is a supposed to have some power over the government. Freedom of press was created to ensure that the government couldn't damaging things for the public. This media control has always existed, but only has been amplified in recent years with new technology.

05-07-2004, 05:41 PM
The government's technology should advance proportionally. And it did. There's alot of stuff we aren't told about what goes on. I can't cite examples becaue I wasn't told :D

Interesting Note: During the Persian Gulf I have it from an insider that military bueracracy kept their TV's tuned to CNN because it knew what was going on before they did.

05-08-2004, 10:05 AM
I think a news anchor does because reputations exceed everything in a person's life to obtain these days.