View Full Version : Halo, CS, D2.....

04-29-2004, 03:59 AM
I have yet to catch anoyone from agn on any online game beside Shattered Earth. Where's everyone at!

Accounts/User Names (will update as games are added):

Halo- Glitch | Pooon1
Half Life: Counter Strike- Major_Glitch
Diablo 2: Lords of Destruction- Major_Glitch

HerGlitchness= Lvl 84 Bliz/Meteor Sorceress
Glitchalot= lvl 72 Blessed Hammer Palladin
Glitchazon= lvl 10 Lightning Fury Amazon

04-30-2004, 01:39 PM
Unreal Tournament 2004: Omega
Warcraft 3 TfT: Cryton-
Diablo 2 LoD: Cryton-
83 Hammerdin
Working on a MetOrb Sorc to mf with. I'm usually on so /w me if you want to play or something. :)

04-30-2004, 03:40 PM
halo PC-komosaki

i play starcraft the most... anyone want to play just tell me

05-02-2004, 11:09 PM
D2: used to be Dragonzguitar..got hacked...didnt feel the need to start over..
starcraft: aflax07