View Full Version : Forum Prophet --> Profit

04-27-2004, 06:50 PM
While changing my custom title, I noticed something interesting. Do you remember when Atmaweapon had the custom title "Profit?" .. Well.. now we know why. o_o When the phrase "The Forum Prophet" was typed in, upon loading, it was transformed into "The Profit" .. If that is someone's idea of a joke, it's a pretty weird one. :odd:

04-27-2004, 06:56 PM
that is kind of wierd

04-27-2004, 06:58 PM
"Fun with forum filters." :p :laughing: .. Perhaps someone's idea of a cruel joke directed toward Atmaweapon. Maybe they just forgot to reset it. :shrug:

.. But think of the fun you could have with a swear filter. God.. Seriously.. Imagine if every time you hit the space bar, when your post was finished, it would read things like "I Eckels Is God am Eckels Is God posting Eckels Is God right Eckels Is God now. ..... How funny would that be. :p

04-27-2004, 06:58 PM
If search were enabled, I would have found this thread by searching for my name.


One time I'm pretty certain that "Prophet" was an actual rank you could attain through posting. I think it's still there, I'm too lazy to go check the OA thread and it's not like my title rank changes unless I piss the wrong person off anyway.

So to stop people from using a rank title as their custom title, I think ILLEGAL OPERATION: Memory at address 0x00003dac cannot be "read".

I'm pretty sure there is a word filter. If I recall correctly (I'm having troubles today), it may have been what inspired my "Profit" title, or maybe it was something else. I seem to remember somehow Glenn was part of my inspiration, but sometimes the threads of my thought don't really combine in ways that make sense and I have no way to decode what I was thinking then.


I believe words like "Moderator", "Senior Moderator", "Administrator" and some others are filtered. I'm going test it out. :)


Petition to filter "Atma" to "grandma".

04-27-2004, 07:03 PM
Well, last I remember, the forum ranks go as such:

Newcomer (Minimum Posts: 0)
Initiate (Minimum Posts: 50)
Apprentice (Minimum Posts: 100)
Rookie (Minimum Posts: 200)
Junior Member (Minimum Posts: 300)
Member (Minimum Posts: 400)
Senior Member (Minimum Posts: 500)
Veteran (Minimum Posts: 600)
Seasoned Veteran (Minimum Posts: 800)
Forum Regular (Minimum Posts: 1000)
Forum Addict (Minimum Posts: 1400)
Posting Maniac (Minimum Posts: 1800)
Noble (Minimum Posts: 2000)
Elder (Minimum Posts: 3000)
Sage (Minimum Posts: 4000)
Ancient (Minimum Posts: 5000)
Immortal (Minimum Posts: 6000)
Postwraith (Minimum Posts: 7000)
Damned (Minimum Posts: 8000)
Forsaken (Minimum Posts: 9000)
Lifeless (Minimum Posts: 10000) (Straight from This (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=68909) thread.)

I don't see prophet here. :shrug: Maybe it was either ancient, postwraith, or immortal you were looking at.

EDIT: .. :rofl: .. I second that motion. :laughing:

EDIT2: Wait a minute, Atma, I can see "prophet" clearly spelled out in your CS. It's uncapitalized. It reads moderator prophet adminis .. .. Hm. *Fiddles with Custom Title*

04-27-2004, 07:06 PM
I wonder if maybe prophet used to be a rank, i know the system has been ripped up and rebuilt several times.

BTW: 1600th right here.

04-27-2004, 07:07 PM
hey Atma i see that it doesnt block it out seeing as you had it in your title.. also a little off the topic but are there any people around the last 2 or so titles? just curious

04-27-2004, 07:07 PM
1. Prophet
2. ???
3. Profit!

In Soviet Russia, dead horse beats you!

04-27-2004, 08:23 PM
Heh, I remember on one of my friend's forums there was a couple members always using dumb AIM writing. So he went into the filter and changed it to make it look like they were saying something entirely different. I remember doing it on an old guestbook of mine as well. :)

04-28-2004, 12:17 AM
Yeah, I know the staff titles are filtered so that hulkamaniacs can't set their custom title to staff titles. :oil:

04-28-2004, 12:33 AM
y helo thar

I think you got your forums confused, stupid JasonUlloa grandma.

04-28-2004, 12:47 AM
moblin moblin moblin the moblin moblin [moblins]

04-28-2004, 07:48 AM
Filtering can be SHADOWBLAZER IS THE BEST. The reason I think we don't have it is because THE HIGH TRIBUNAL doesn't like JEWS RUNNING THE MEDIA. Once I CAN'T SPELL ECKELS RIGHT BECAUSE I SUCK figures out a way to make filtering funny, hilarity will ensue.

PS that was a joke guys

PPS for a fun puzzle, figure out what words I pretended were filtered

PPSS It's a secret to everybody.

04-28-2004, 12:17 PM
... ... Methinks Atma's gone CrAzY. ... L33t cRaZy. .. And you STILL have the word Prophet in your CS! >_< Damn you to heaven and suchforth. It defies logic. @_@

04-28-2004, 05:51 PM
Maybe staff titles aren't filtered? I'm not sure. I changed it to maybe bother you more since I'm a nice guy.

04-28-2004, 09:39 PM
Quit lying too the boy, you are actually a woman.