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04-25-2004, 10:04 PM
Yes, I'll be leaving for D.C. on Tuesday at 11:30 p.m. The trip is school sponsored. We'll be going to Gettysburg and D.C. We'll go to 2 malls (YAY! fye will have increased sales) Has anyone else come on one of these types of trips?

Master Ghaleon
04-25-2004, 10:14 PM
Gettysburg is cool, if you like history.

D.C. is cool if you like to buy a 10 dollar pair or foakleys (People who sell fake oakleys)

I live near both places, kinda smack in the middle kinda ;)

04-25-2004, 10:20 PM
Gettysburg is overrated. It's cool once, but not to go many times. It can also get a bit touristy for me.

04-25-2004, 10:46 PM
I didn't get to go with my school. They started doing that with the 6th graders when I was in the 7th grade. :( I've always wanted to go, though.

04-25-2004, 10:49 PM
Never been to either city.
But in 8th grade my middle school sponsored a trip for French classes to Quebec. We went to Montreal and Quebec City. We visited a couple museums, some historic sites, the biodome, an old style sugar shack(very little good english there), held scavenger hunts in downtown Montreal, and visted two gaint malls.

Great fun. If your school EVER sponsors a trip to a fun or historic city, even if you have to pay something, go if possible. Do not miss the chance.

04-25-2004, 10:52 PM
I went on a tour of the White House. The Secret Service guy was talking:
"Behind these screens, President Clinton is meeting with some people. Do not go behind them or you will be met by other members of the Secre Service who are not part of the tour."

Did I already post that somewhere?

04-26-2004, 06:30 PM
No you havent. I am just so psyched because I was given $150 to spend money on things. My parents will be pissed when I come home with a GBA SP. :p

04-26-2004, 06:55 PM
You should enjoy Gettysburg if you've never been there before. The whole place is great, and I've been there a lot, considering I live near Harrisburg. Climb around at Devil's Den, they have to let you. Hopefully your weather won't be crappy, because it has been raining all day today. You really need to go on a day that's blisteringly hot in early July. Bring bottled water. Also, there's an observation tower that will afford you a view of most of the area, with a guide to in what direction everything is. Other fun stuff... You'll have plenty of fun. I've been to DC plenty of times as well; I have family in Arlington and Rockville, who I would visit yearly. There's tons to do in both places.

Where do you live (roughly) and how long will your bus trip be?

04-26-2004, 09:53 PM
I went to D.C. last year (8th grade) for three days. Saw several monuments and stuff, played practical jokes on our classmates ( :D ), and stayed up until 12 AM eating Fig Newtons and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. T'was a fun time. ^_^

04-26-2004, 09:56 PM
Where do you live (roughly) and how long will your bus trip be?


It would be awesome to go to Gettysburg, but then again, I live right smack in the middle of Texas. The farthest our school has ever taken us is to Austin which is like 1 hr and 30 mins away from my town.

04-26-2004, 09:56 PM
I live in Kenton Ohio, we leave tomorrow at 11:30 pm and we'll be there at 8:00 am. Then at DC at around 9:00 pm.

04-26-2004, 10:01 PM
Yeah, I've been to Gettysburgh and DC, alot of stuff at DC is cool, Capitol building, Smithsonians. I never got to go to the White House though. Gettysburgh is, well, you just kinda drive around, and stop at what you want to. Heh, I remember walking up this big watchtower type thing, in like 90 degree weather, all you could do was look around, thought there'd be some informational plaque up there. Gettysburgh goes pretty fast though, not more than a few hours. DC takes like 4-5 days to see everything.

And yeah, school trips are pretty cool. Every year, orchestra goes on two trips, one to state, usually Columbus or Cleveland, sometimes Toledo or Cincinatti, usually not because the long drive and we're on school buses on state, and one to nationals, I've been to Boston, and just got back from Virginia Beach, but before they've gone to Chicago, Myrtle Beach, NYC, besides actually competing and the early wake up times, they're pretty cool. Still got at least 4 more trips, unless I get into Chamber, they take a special chamber trip, beh, it's just within the state.

Heh, and then there's speech, you go on like three trips with that, and then another if you qualify for nationals. My brother went down to Atlanta for that, for like 9 days I think.

04-26-2004, 10:03 PM
I live in Kenton Ohio, we leave tomorrow at 11:30 pm and we'll be there at 8:00 am. Then at DC at around 9:00 pm.

Where exactly is "there"?

Ganon's Minion
04-26-2004, 10:06 PM
Where exactly is "there"?

I think that's D.C. But I could be wrong, sorta hard to tell.

04-26-2004, 10:16 PM
How is it that everyone else gets invited to Darth Cronic's house and I haven't? I must not be popular. :(

04-26-2004, 10:38 PM
I'll visit you Atma. :)

04-27-2004, 05:58 PM
In grade seven my class went to Ottawa for a couple of days. It was pretty cool.

04-27-2004, 08:42 PM
I'lll be leaving for Ocean City, Maryland for my senior class trip this thursday at midnight. I think that's a little bit better than the capital. I'd rather be at the beach than see a few old monuments. :P

04-27-2004, 10:24 PM
I'll be leaving for NYC Friday morning with some friends instead of Ocean City with Rainman because I'm barred from my senior trip. My trip's cheaper anyway and I have no curfew :-P

04-27-2004, 10:40 PM
NYC is frickin awesome. You have to spend more than just one day there though. It's so cool.
I am not going on my class trip. It sucks, the Seniors are going to the international hot spot of Ohio :badrazz: