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View Full Version : Picked up a few RPGs

Ganon's Minion
04-18-2004, 02:09 PM
As many of you guys may or may not know, I am a HUGE fan of RPGs. Well, my brother picked up Phantasy Star Online Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolutions and finally Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles both for the GameCube.

I must say, I am absolutely astounded. These two games absolutely blew me off my feet. The graphics and gameplay are simply amazing. I know for a fact that many here have played FF:CC, but has anyone played PSO III? Great game, definitely a must-have for gamers. Anyway, just thought I'd point out that I finally have these masterpieces in my grasp. :)

04-18-2004, 02:14 PM
Ive never played Phantasy Star, but I hear good things.

I did beat CC, and it was easy at the beginning, rediculously hard at the end. I went through that game so fast, when I got to the last level i got owned so bad, i had to go up my stats all by like 30 points before I even stood a chance.

Enjoy it, its a great game.

04-18-2004, 02:21 PM
I accidentally glitched up CC... I got some Mhrrh at the wrong time in the place near Shella, when I was meant to get it from The first level, whatever its called. So now its all added up a few years later and I'm having to go and do Lynari Desert even though I'm only a few years in! Quite annoying really. Ah well, It'll keep me on my toes. I'm stuck on the boss right now in single player.

04-18-2004, 02:22 PM
I wouldn't consider FFCC an RPG, but it comes from an RPG family. I own it and it is AWESOME! Anyone who plays FF should get this game.

04-19-2004, 05:24 PM
is phantasy star good without the online shit

Ganon's Minion
04-19-2004, 06:14 PM
Definitely. I was previously playing PSO I and II w/o online play and it was awesome! Now I'm playing PSO III with all of the summoning using cards and it's just as good. You should definitely give it a shot. :)

05-19-2004, 03:23 AM
right, ffcc is for any ff player, but if anyone has a ps2 i would also reccommend Summoner 2(if you haven't got it that is) the problem for me is that i only have a ps2 and a pc(which i cant download/install anything on thanks to my bro) so i cant get PSO3 C.A.R.D. Revolutions :(

05-19-2004, 07:05 AM
Not totally shamelessly advertising, but I'm current building a shrine dedicated to FF:CC. So if you want any information, you can most likely find it here: http://tartarus.rpgclassics.com/~ffcc/
And I'm always welcome for those who cue me in on things that I may have gotten wrong on the shrine. Its best to present correct information, rather than flawed information.