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View Full Version : Boss flags triggering automatically

04-11-2004, 06:49 AM
I'm having an issue with one of my screens.

This screen is on a seperate dmap, and is also a different level number than the rest of the dungeon, and is not a level number used by a different dmap. However, when I enter it, the boss flag secret triggers automatically.

It's setup correct, I believe.

The screen with the secret flag has a trigger enemy on it, enemies->secret is checked in the screen flags, and boss flag is checked in the enemy flags.. The screen with the other boss flag is a special item room with no enemies, but it has a guy, which I know acts as an enemy.. I tried it in another portion of my quest, and it worked fine.

So, does anyone know what the problem is?

04-11-2004, 06:54 AM
Not sure. However, there are some things you can check:

1. Try changing the enemy in the second room to a Trigger enemy instead of a "guy"
2. Try using a different screen as your second room. I dont know why, but sometimes this fixes the problem when nothing else will.
3. Check other rooms in the same dmap - if any room has "Boss Flag" set and you clear it of enemies/there are no enemies, it will trigger the flag.

Some of that might help.


04-11-2004, 06:58 AM
1) The problem with this is that when you get the special item, the trigger enemy wouldn't die. I could try using the ring leader enemy flag.. If ZC chooses the guy as the ring leader, then it'd work.

2) I noticed that. I'll give that a shot.

3) Will do.

Thanks, C.

Edit: Well, I moved the room to another map and it worked perfectly. :) Much abliged, C.