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View Full Version : Quests in subdirectories

Kirby of Doom
04-10-2004, 03:17 PM
It might be useful for when you start a new game it stores not only the name of the quest file but also the subfolder it's in. The way it's now if you start a new quest in a subfolder in the ZC folder, the next time you run it then it can't find the file since it only has the name.

04-10-2004, 03:58 PM
Simple, and definitely useful since I can understand ones needs to keep their computer organized, and being a more modern version of Zelda Classic, little nifty things like that would fit well.

I give it a thumbs up. :thumbsup:

04-10-2004, 05:19 PM
I would like this too. Back when I was making the Terranigma tileset (never did get very far on that), I kept the quest along with all the ripped tiles in a seperate directory. This meant though that I constantly had to change the quest directory.