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View Full Version : terror alert level

04-08-2004, 06:22 PM
What is it? How should it affect my life? If it goes to 5/red/extreme what should I do differently? What about if it goes low? How is it determined? Why has it been 3 for most of it's existance? What would cause it to go to 5 or 1? Why is it even needed? Why does it remind me of "1984?" Does anyone have answers to these questions? I really want to know.

04-08-2004, 06:26 PM
People like you are "reminded" of 1984 at the drop of a hat.

You have no reason to do anything different, but buses, train stations, airports, ports, power plants, etc. all have security measures to put into place for each terror level.

04-08-2004, 07:05 PM
don't think buses need security measure in the US

04-08-2004, 07:34 PM
Here's a picture of me wearing my safety suit during the latest terror alert:

04-08-2004, 07:57 PM
People like you are "reminded" of 1984 at the drop of a hat.

You have no reason to do anything different, but buses, train stations, airports, ports, power plants, etc. all have security measures to put into place for each terror level.

People like you deny "1984" could happen at the drop of a hat.
And since I shouldn't have to do anything different then why have it? If it is just an internal thing to the CIA, et al, we do we need to be "concerned" with it? I know I didn't do anything different when it went to orange/4.
I won't do anything different if it goes to 5, 2, or 1 either.

04-08-2004, 08:12 PM
Apparently you do some things differently with the alert system in place: You complain about it. ;)

04-08-2004, 08:53 PM
People like you deny "1984" could happen at the drop of a hat.
And since I shouldn't have to do anything different then why have it? If it is just an internal thing to the CIA, et al, we do we need to be "concerned" with it? I know I didn't do anything different when it went to orange/4.
I won't do anything different if it goes to 5, 2, or 1 either.

We don't have to change out lifestyles just because there is a war in Iraq. So why do people need to know about that?

People just like to be informed. Personally, there is nothing I can do about the terrorism either way so I don't worry about it. If I get killed? Oh well, that sucks. It just means that whoever killed me is going to burn in hell no matter what they believe. Islam does allow you to do whatever it takes to get something back that is stolen, unlike Christianity. But killing innocent people is not allowed, I'm sure, no matter what.

I think that rule is taken to extremes most of the time.

Dart Zaidyer
04-08-2004, 11:26 PM
DANGER: Extreme sarcasm ahead!

What is it? How should it affect my life?
Media fodder. Gotta give Fox something to repeat 24 hours a day endlessly other than the latest political scandal, y'know!

If it goes to 5/red/extreme what should I do differently?
Run around in circles screaming, because there's a crisis going on that you can't do anything about. Maybe you should consider buying a lot of gas as well, that's the best time to get swindled blind.

What about if it goes low?
Basically you can start breathing easy and get even with the local Scary Muslim Guy, because he's not likely to retaliate.

How is it determined? Why has it been 3 for most of it's existance?
It may surprise you to know that dirt-farming, wife-beating radicals who enjoy being human explosives don't like America very much. Moreso the ones that live here.

What would cause it to go to 5 or 1? Why is it even needed?
A 5 would be "Great flaming piles of crap, they're about to blow up something important" material. A 1 would be "this just in from the UN and the Middle East: America totally rocks."
As for why it's needed, it's more of a dumbed-down version of already-existing government and military alerts for public (IE, majority of idiots) consumption.

Why does it remind me of "1984?"
Anything can do that when it's on the cusp of becoming a reality in our Politically Correct day and age, y'know.