View Full Version : Star Ocean Battle Help

04-07-2004, 12:08 AM
I'm completely lost on how to battle effectively in SO, and just hit buttons and hope I don't die. Could someone please explain all the battle commands and how to do abilities like Rift Wave and stuff? And what is the point of those skills that you buy?

I'm at the boss in the pirate cave, and he mutilates me in five seconds flat. His name starts with V, can anyone give me some tips for him? Thanks! :)

04-07-2004, 01:03 PM
For special attacks, you need to go into menu and go into the special menu for your character. You'll see four slots. Two for the" L" button and two for the "R" button. One for short range attacks and one for long range attacks. Simply set your special attacks to whatever button you want. In battle, to do the attacks, first target the enemy with "A", then hit the special attack button you want to use. It's as simple as that.

The skills you buy are important. After each time you level up, you gain SP or skill points. Simply use those skill points on what ever skill you want. Raising your skills will usually give you stat benefits as well as abilities for making special items. Once you get an ability leveled up enough, go to item menu and hit "X" to open a sub-menu and in there will be "Item Creation". Item creation only works well if you level up the corresponding ability. To level abilties up, simply level up its corresponding skills. Try to experiment with skills. Don't focus on one, or you won't have enough SP for others.

I found Velcant to be easy. Just make sure Ratix has Blaze Sword because Velcant is weak against fire.

I hope this helps and is easy enough to follow. I not very good at writing/typing with a lot of detail.

04-07-2004, 01:15 PM
Hey, thanks, I think I follow. :) I'll try it.

04-09-2004, 03:51 PM
I beat him! :) Thanks, I understand everything a lot better now. But now I dunno what to do. There's someone below the boss area but I can't get to her (it looks like a girl)

BTW, I didn't want to double post but this is kind of continuing, but if I had edited, no one would ever have noticed, and my last post was 2 days ago...for clarification, are these types of double posts allowed? I wanted to delete the above post but it wouldn't let me...

04-09-2004, 04:46 PM
I'm not entirely sure how far into the cave you are, but after you beat the first Velcant (yes there's more), you should find flint stones. Equip them and hit "A" near the gas to ignite it. If you get hit from the explosion, you'll be hurt severly so be careful.
That should help you finish the cave.

If you need anymore help try checking here (http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/game/9366.html).
The first one is detailed and easy to follow.

04-09-2004, 06:02 PM
OHHH! Ok, thanks, now I really am done. :)