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View Full Version : Screen shots for classic tileset revamp

Red Afro
04-03-2004, 10:38 PM
Here are two somewhat hastely assembled screenshots of the work I've done revamping Phantom Menace's demo.qst tile set. I'm not crazy about the LTTP and BS tilesets because their a bit toony and I really wanted a return to the classic tileset, but set up to include the new capabilities. I've reorganized the palet, which so far is the change I like best because it is set up to be very versitile, and added a few graphics. Shoot, just remembered that I didn't include some new mountain textures. I'll try to post those soon. Anyway, here's what I got so far. It's not much, but I wanted to get some input. First one is nice, second one is so so.


04-03-2004, 11:12 PM
They're looking good! Keep up the good work! :)

04-04-2004, 09:30 PM
They look very good. I can't wait to see the final product.

04-05-2004, 04:49 PM
One nitpick I want to make (get back some of my own! --nah, not really) is that while the featured csets have great color depth, there appears to be a few color compatability issues--the white pedestal and blue rocks have a noticeably different color background than the surrounding turf. Also, the "Escher walls" could use some fixing--if you want to make a freeform dungeon set, you really need to put the bricks in a more static perspective.

Speaking of repeat criticism, you might want to go back and read your own comments as to the set that I'm working on. I think most of those pedestal-and-orb tiles have some contrast problems, especially the broken one. The bronze-colored orb over the in the corner works pretty well, but that broken version of it visible in the tiles menu is a real eyestrainer.

04-07-2004, 12:02 PM
Considering what you're working with, that's not half bad.


04-07-2004, 05:23 PM
Wow, for a classic tileset these are really cool. I like how you gave that mountain a shadow, and your dungeons look pretty good too.

Red Afro
04-10-2004, 06:55 PM
Thanks for the input. I especially agree w/ the dungen having a very odd perspective. I hastely threw that together and (especially since the constructive criticism) I'm probably going to try to revamp the dungen walls to something that doesn't have the same perspective problems.

At any rate, though I have no new changes to the classic set yet, here are some new rock textures I've made that use multiple tiles. I actually don't know how well they fit in with the classic tile set, but ironicly I think they'll work good in the LTTP tile sets. I like versitility, and I found after making them that they could be rearanged with just a few modifications and some additional tiles. So give it a gander and tell me what you think. Thanks!


04-10-2004, 07:12 PM
Thanks for the input. I especially agree w/ the dungen having a very odd perspective. I hastely threw that together and (especially since the constructive criticism) I'm probably going to try to revamp the dungen walls to something that doesn't have the same perspective problems.

At any rate, though I have no new changes to the classic set yet, here are some new rock textures I've made that use multiple tiles. I actually don't know how well they fit in with the classic tile set, but ironicly I think they'll work good in the LTTP tile sets. I like versitility, and I found after making them that they could be rearanged with just a few modifications and some additional tiles. So give it a gander and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Heh, thats not only awesome, but its sort of explanatory to how, you know, The BS Tileset came into existence. ;) Keep fighting the power bro.

J.J. Maxx
04-10-2004, 07:23 PM
Thanks for the input. I especially agree w/ the dungen having a very odd perspective. I hastely threw that together and (especially since the constructive criticism) I'm probably going to try to revamp the dungen walls to something that doesn't have the same perspective problems.

At any rate, though I have no new changes to the classic set yet, here are some new rock textures I've made that use multiple tiles. I actually don't know how well they fit in with the classic tile set, but ironicly I think they'll work good in the LTTP tile sets. I like versitility, and I found after making them that they could be rearanged with just a few modifications and some additional tiles. So give it a gander and tell me what you think. Thanks!


Hmmm.. while very cool I don't think they fit with the Classic tileset. They are too detailed and realistic. Looks cool otherwise.