View Full Version : This is just sick.

04-02-2004, 12:00 AM
Four american civilians were brutally murdered Wednesday in Iraq, for those who don't know. They were beaten nearly to death, shot, dragged throughout the town, burned, and the two bodies that were still intact were hung from a bridge over the euphrates.

See the article here (http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/ap20040401_1883.html).
This just makes me sick. I just wanna go and raze the whole frickin town because of this, but I guess that would be wrong.

04-02-2004, 12:54 AM
It is a calculated attempt to get us to withdraw from Iraq. About ten years ago, our peacekeeping soldiers in Somalia were subjected to the same brutality, and we proceeded to withdraw from the country. Osama bin Laden has used that as a rallying cry, as a symbol of our weakness. Al Queda and the Baathists are hoping the same thing happens again. They are wrong.

04-02-2004, 01:21 AM
Starkist - Forgive me for calling bullshit, but I dont think you've ever crawled inside Osama Bin Ladin's head and divined his thoughts. Nor do I think you have any shred of evidence that OSL's group did this particular atrocity.

What do we know happened? Various murderous political malcontents killed American civilans and desecrated their corpse. Result? Americans are pissed off again. As far as I'm concerned, this is simply the cost of occupying a hostile country. Much like collateral damage is expected in war, lives are going be lost in re-making an alien culture.

I don't think people expected this sort of thing - otherwise, why the shock and outrage - when we WENT to war. Some of us did expect it, and didnt want to go in the first place.

That said, this event doesn't change much. Send out the troops, round up those responsible, haul them in front of an Iraqi court and ice'em. We can't pull out now or we'll leave things worse that they were when we got there. We have a responsibility in Iraq, and just because there are some sick fucks in the country, that's no reason to 1. opress them all or 2. run away.


04-02-2004, 01:26 AM
I never said I knew Osama's thoughts. Rather, I said that he used the incident in Somalia as a rallying cry, and it is my opinion that those responsible for this attack have the same objective. It is not in dispute that both Al Queda and the Baathists want us out of the Middle East.

Master Ghaleon
04-02-2004, 01:37 AM
I saw this on MSNBC and in the backround everyone jumping up and down like they won the lotto. I say enough is enough and just flatten Iraq with the A-Bomb

04-02-2004, 01:40 AM
That hardly shows they're the people responsible for the attacks. Let's face it- there are HUNDREDS of little groups and cabals and foreign governments in that part of the world that would enjoy rolling naked in cooked American-flesh.


EDIT - Master Ghaleaon - That's exactly the sort of irresponsible thinking we DONT need. If we really came to Iraq to improve the lives of the Iraqi people, it's going to take a LONG TIME of us squatting on top of them and shitting out democracy until the soil is so fertilized by it that all of their crops grow with it and eventually they eat enough crops so that they all like the idea of a secular and democratic state. This isn't going to happen overnight, and some people arn't going to like it. Stick it out.

Drop the bomb, great fucking idea, genius.
"Well, we just invaded this country and now some people are killing our occupying forces."
"Sir, let's just purge the land of Iraqis."
"What a swell idea! That sure is benevelant and non-evil of us!"

04-02-2004, 02:01 AM
I'm still not sure what a civilian is in a war zone. It's not like they didn't know they could get hurt. Yes here on American soil where attacks are rare the status of "civilian" might make sense but in Iraq it doesn't. If I went there I would think of myself as just as likely to get hit as a soldier. As would be true for all of the Middle East.

04-02-2004, 02:33 AM
what slothman says is true, whether you are a soldier or civilian, they hate you just as much because you are 'American'...

04-02-2004, 02:51 AM
...which sounds alot like MasterGheleon urging us to just kill all Iraqis just because they are Iraqis, doesn't it?


Master Ghaleon
04-02-2004, 02:56 AM
...which sounds alot like MasterGheleon urging us to just kill all Iraqis just because they are Iraqis, doesn't it?


Thats correct spanky. I said A-Bomb them all

04-02-2004, 03:01 AM
You know something? It's strangely comforting that there are such purely evil people in the world. Gives the rest of us something to compare ourselves too.

"Yea. But hey, at least I don't topple governments and vaporize the populace."
"Oh yea. Poop on!"


04-02-2004, 03:05 AM
i love your sarcastic sense of humor, C ;)

no, i dont want to A-Bomb them like MG says, i mean, im just as patriotic as joe schmo over there... but bombing the whole country? nah, maybe just Fallujah, or whatever that city is called..

04-02-2004, 11:15 AM
Just stop giving them food. Isn't that what the civilians were doing when they got attacked, giving them food? Let the fuckers starve if they're gonna get all homicidal about it.

04-02-2004, 12:55 PM
I hope that you folks are advocating doing horrible things to "the Iraqis" generally are kidding. If not, then I'm afraid I have to start feeling ashamed for my countrymen. I do not think a civilized people should ever advocate wiping out civilians in retailiation for the actions of some radical groups.

The opening post title is right. This is sick. Stop fucking advocating that we do the same thing.


04-02-2004, 01:04 PM
The whole 'wipe-out-the-whole-fucking-town-because-of-a-few-bastards-and-lax-police' was my first thought. But there are no doubt innocent people living there.

I just want the ones responsible to get what's coming to them.