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View Full Version : Update/expanded classic tiles?

03-26-2004, 04:22 PM
I've been kind of off-and-on working on a sort of enhanced classic tile set--updating tiles to use a full set of 16 colors for increased color depth and more variety in coloration, drawing new tiles for things that don't exist in the classic tile set, et cetera. Just to be unique, I suppose; I never really liked any of the Gameboy graphics much (this is not to slight the great conversion job that's been done on them--I just don't like the graphics themselves), and while I do very much like the Link to the Past tiles, I guess they just always seem a bit out of place with the relatively small sprites that Zelda Classic uses.

While theoretically I was making these for a quest I've also been off-and-on working on, lately it's more been "off" than "on". Seeing as I'm not likely to use them anytime soon, I was wondering if there would be any interest around here for such a thing; it's not exactly finished, but all the basic stuff is pretty much done. I'll try to get some screenshots up, but I have to go look around for an image hosting service first.

03-26-2004, 04:27 PM
I'm not sure what you mean. enhanced like, revamped tiles? or do you mean like, just went through and fixed a couple minor errors?

screenshots would help...

03-27-2004, 12:40 AM
Still very much a work in progress (both in terms of the amount of stuff missing and the amount of touching-up still required--trees in particular definitely need it), but I put together a few mock-ups, at least for overworld tiles. I do have most of the classic sprites and dungeon tiles redone as well, but not so much in terms of new content added there.


Not exactly thrilled with easypichost.com, but it does seem to work. If anyone could point me in the direction of a better host for this sort of use, I'd still be much obliged.

03-27-2004, 02:23 AM

and those are pretty good, just missing the outlines... o.O

03-27-2004, 03:55 AM
I'm certainly not missing the outlines; good riddance, as far as I'm concerned! Hard outlines on simple colors tends to give a bubbly, cartoony look which I'd just as soon try to avoid--even what outlining I do have I probably should go in and lighten up. Not to mention the fact that outlines consume quite a bit of space when you're working with tiles this small, eating up detail. They're one of the main reasons I don't like the Gameboy tilesets very much--outlining might be good and proper when you're working with 4 shades of gray, but not so much when you have so much more to work with. The SNES graphics use less outlining to begin with, and with larger graphics, better resolution, and more gradients, which makes for a very considerable improvement in my opinion--but I'm deliberately working with smaller-scale features and using a simplified pallette, so I don't enjoy the same luxuries.

Admittedly, there are a few problems in those sample shots where there's not enough contrast between overlapping features--some of the building tiles are borderline on this, and the paler dead trees in the swamp pic don't really work against the bare dirt background; the little seashell in the sand could stand to be lighter as well, or at least have darker edge shading. My original cset picks aren't exactly optomized, so I think I'm going to shuffle some colors around in the overworld csets to make room for a darker beige-ish brown.

03-27-2004, 04:01 AM
hehehe I thought I was the only one to add a snowman.

03-27-2004, 04:07 AM
Cavendish, forgive me for being blunt, but you sound like the most mature newbie I've ever seen, and for that, I thank you. dunno why, exactly, but I do. anyway... I'd suggest using an outile at first, just to get the basic idea down, then go over it with your origional design. that's what I do, only I fill in the outline, I hate making tiles wihout outlines (in certain cases)

03-27-2004, 09:33 AM
The look pretty good. Except that your trees and the house looks weird. Maybe just a large bush for a tree? Perhaps you want to consider editing that. And the house too.

But otherwise they look awesome! I know people who have tried to make Classic+ Tilesets and this has definitely turned out better.

03-27-2004, 03:01 PM
In my defense, the buildings and trees were modeled after the ones in LttP and the Gameboy games, which were somewhat wierd to begin with.

But point taken. I think the main problem is around the edges; the buildings seem to blend in a little with the background, and the treetops' border is too broad and too uniform. I did have another leafier style of tree, but was actually somewhat embarassed to even show it as it needed even more work; however, just shuffling around the pallette has done wonders for it. I'll work on it this afternoon and then see if I can't get some improved pictures to post.

03-27-2004, 05:57 PM
these do look good, but what can I say? most tiles are in desperate need of an outline, sometimes you just can't have tiles without outlines.

03-27-2004, 07:07 PM
Good job, so far, however, I recommend something more modern for the mountains. Same style and all , just more modern.

Something like this.


Thats just a rough draft of that Id suggest. I have yet to add depth and colorization to them, but you see where theyre going.

03-27-2004, 07:30 PM
UpbeatPenguin made this set.. You'll be able to download it on April 1st.


It's not quite as good as yours but, maybe your could get some tiles from it.

03-27-2004, 07:41 PM
UpbeatPenguin made this set.. You'll be able to download it on April 1st.


It's not quite as good as yours but, maybe your could get some tiles from it.
With all due respect, Teilyr, that ones just recolored and pixelized rips. I think the whole general idea of the set should be taken , and brought to a new level, as I mentioned above.

Seems like always, when I post something, youre directing attention away from it. =P

03-27-2004, 09:19 PM
You classic set looks nice Cavendish. My only nitpicks are the house structure basically blending in with the ground, your large trees looking pretty weird compared to the other trees, and the dead trees look a bit out of place color wise.

It'd be nice to see a whole bunch of revamped classic tilesets released this year. If you haven't noticed by now, you're not the only one with such an idea.;)

03-27-2004, 09:26 PM
I can see where you're coming from, but I think you're going in a different direction than I am. Looking at the combo bar in that screenshot, it looks like it's from a different sort of "classic revamp"--but while those tiles demonstrate classic tiles being brought more into line with the style of later games, my project is starting to turn into one of implementing graphical features seen in later games but in a style more in line with the original (kind of a hybrid style, but in that general direction).

My mountains were pretty bland, though, so I did change the shading pattern on them a bit (now that I've tweaked the color set a bit); I think it turned out pretty well: http://filespace.brentdax.com/Cavendish/retro5.png (that shot also shows a somewhat more distinctly colored [but still not quite polished] dead tree, that doesn't blend into the background quite so much). I might eventually just draw a new style of mountain from scratch, but if I did, I'm thinking I'd probably be moving towards smoother, more rounded rock faces.

03-29-2004, 07:40 PM
that's a LOT nicer than it was before. Upbeat's set looks fairly bland, and the mountain tiles are atrocious, but your's seem more lively.

the only thing i could say is that you should really work on the house. the corners of the roof need to be a bit more defined, and i'd add another set of darker browns for the house walls and the dead trees.

Red Afro
04-03-2004, 07:46 PM
I think things look a little to smooth, like they've been waxed and polished. If your value transitions are to smooth you'll get that. Try pixalating things or adding texture.
Outlines can look toonish if used wrong. But if used right they keep things crisp and clear, and add a weight to things. That is the other problem I noticed. Objects don't anchor well, if you know what I mean. Lots of color, but not weight.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this shapes up.

Wow, lot's of people are interested in making a new clasic style tile set. I started reworking the demo.qst tileset about a month ago, because I don't like the LTTP and GB tiles (to toonish). I'll post it soon... though I think I'll hear a repeat on some criticism... :D