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View Full Version : 182 Test Quest: Total Darkness - How?

03-26-2004, 12:41 AM
In my renewed efforts at quest making, I've noticed something about my quest. In the dark areas, you don't honestly need the candle. Everything is completely visible, though slightly dimmed. It's a little harder to see if I turn off the interpolated fading, but you can still see blocks and things.

I noticed as well that in the 182 Test Quest, when you enter a dark room, things are DARK. Completely black. I'm wondering now, how did that work? Was it something to do with the tileset, or is there some trickery involved that I haven't discovered?

03-26-2004, 04:31 AM
go into a dungeon pallette, and hit the 'dark' button. that is the new color of the dark pallete (also can be checked by hitting 'L' on any screen)

To make it black, change the gray, dark gray, and black pallete lines (#s 2,3,4) to black.

03-26-2004, 12:27 PM
Hmm.... that works for some... About half my dungeon I'd say now goes fully black, but the other half just blacks out the edges of the room, the areas you can't walk normally. I'll fiddle with this some more... Thanks for the tip!

EDIT: It wouldn't matter that I'm using the original default tileset, would it? Possibly? If I ditch everything below the ninth line (on the vertical scale on the left), I get nothing different than from what I spoke of before. Most of the rooms go dark like they should, but a handful decide to only black out the walls. I'm using the same tiles for the floor and blocks, so it's not like I'm using such a varried assortment that THAT could be the problem. I don't figure it would be anyway. Very confusing... :odd: