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03-22-2004, 08:53 AM
I've decided to make an RPG for my game project 2004-2005, and I'm stuck on the main plot objective point. I'm going to give you no information as to what I'm talking about, but I want an answer, big or small.

Where did the Orbs come from?

cliche's = no good.

I'm sure you guys will come up with some great ideas! That's why I count on you all!

03-22-2004, 09:28 AM
the hero, before he expierenced inexplicable memory loss.

03-22-2004, 10:35 AM
An ancient civilization that was since wiped out (or so we think) by a giant flood? (Perhaps melting polar caps?).

*theplustwo steps out of the way for Jennifer to make an amazingly long post.

Dart Zaidyer
03-22-2004, 11:20 AM
Space aliens, who were fighting a war with other aliens, and they're both long gone by now. Except for all their weapons.
Yeah, that sounds good.

03-22-2004, 12:24 PM
Where did the Orbs come from?

cliche's = no good.

They probably came from the same place that the apostrophe in plural nouns goes: nowhere. :mad:

Or they could have come from the ancient war where the Goddesses left the world and the three orbs were left in their place... oh wait... sounds too familiar...

How about they came from a great battle where the tortured souls of those who senselessly lost their lives manifested themselves as pure power over mortal beings?

Master Ghaleon
03-22-2004, 06:34 PM
7 orbs -

Each a color of a Dragon


It was told that these 7 dragons before they became orbs were the last of thier kind(Color) and that this guy named Orziblle had entraped them so that the evil of the land wouldnt kill the last of the dragon species. Since some dark warrior opened a portal that allowed this demon named Smyth to rule the land.

Well thats what everyone was told, handed down from generation to generation.

Orziblle actually trapped these evil dragons so that Smyth couldnt get his hands on them to release pretty much hell on the land. But since Smyth killed just about everyone 300 years ago, there were few people that actually remember what happened and as the years gone by, he has told the folk the false story hoping that some brave souls would carry out his evil work for him.

Smyth has 4 main villains that are with him

One is keeping guard of his tome because he needs to rest for about 6 months so he can gain his strength back up.

Second is a King of a small Isle, the Isle that has the cave where deep inside there is a table that has writtings in where to put the certain orbs so they can once again roam the world and destroy evil. But thats what they are lead into thinking, but placing these orbs in the "slots" on this big stone table just awakes the Seven-headed Dragon, Zophus.

Third is a trainer for young fighters which thats where the hero starts off in :P as he tells Smyth that he found the Right person to go and find these 7 orbs to cause total chaos

The fourth is executioner for the town, but he is kinda retarded or slow. He has strength like no other living person in the land. Very tough to fight/beat.

03-22-2004, 06:38 PM
The orbs were sources of power, which used to be used by an ancient, near extinct and now highly persecuted race of elves living in hiding from the larger population of men. The men control the orbs, but don't understand their power. The young elvish warrior must retrieve these orbs and overthrow the evil corrupt rulers of the men and restore dignity to the elves and peace to the land.

03-22-2004, 06:46 PM
They are the souls of two warriors from ages past. The two warriors tried to defeat an evil that reigned over their world for generations, and when they did, the evil counterattacked, sealing their spirits in the orbs for eternity, and vanished from the word to recover and grow stronger. The orbs contain the skill and power of both warriors, and the one who posesses them is destined to finish what they started, and only with a legendary magic, Spirit Unison, can this be accomplished.

The Spirit Unison was sealed away along with the warriors souls, kept secret in a book, and lost in history. Only the spirits in the orbs can find and use the Spirit Unison. When Spitir Unison is used once, the orbs fuse into the carrier, and the carrier becomes the spirit contained within. When it's used a second time, by the spirit posessed user, if both orbs are close together, they fuse into one spirit, with incredable speed, strength, stamina, and skill. But the spirit is evil, and uncontrolable for a time, untill Spirit Unison wears off

and to spice it up alittle, if you want, the warriors could be Brother and Sister, and when they fight together, their power doubles :shrug:

03-22-2004, 06:54 PM
Very interesting game design stuff. I'll give you a little more background on what the heck I'm talking about.

My team and I are going with a different type of magic system. We want there to be 6 different orbs to use during battle. There are 4 characters to battle with, so each one would be able to equip a certain orb, level it up, and cast the type of magic associated with it. During a battle, a party member could exchange orbs and cast the magic with that new one. Each battle will produce 'OP' or Orb Points (like AP in ffvii and ix) for leveling up that character's ability to cast that specific orb's magic. So if Bill leveled up the blue orb, he could cast water2. if he switches to the red orb, he would still have to learn fire2 to use it, also, if Bill gives the blue orb to Jim, Jim would have to level up his abilities with the blue orb to cast water2. If Jim gives it back to Bill, Bill could still use water2 cause he has the points for that orb.

I like what you guys have gotten so far. Nows part 2 of the first question. How did the heroes come into possession of the orbs?

They probably came from the same place that the apostrophe in plural nouns goes: nowhere. :mad:
I'll just pretend you thought I meant "clichés" as I intended. I'm sorry that my typing wasn't immaculate at 5:20am. (actually, i'm glad you said something because now I learned that é is 0233)

03-22-2004, 07:02 PM
First, you must find the ANCIENT BONESABER OF ZOOMERCALLIS. Then wielding the enchilada of justice, you must fight your way into a firey cavern in the fifth dimension! Only one man knows the way, and that is the bald-clone of Nostradamus. However, his hand was swallowed by the anus of a giant Gleeok 7.


Hmm, actually, a better idea would be that the orbs are hidden in pockets of space-time that you have to use different elemental spells of 'sight' to find.

uhhh .. I dont know.

03-22-2004, 07:05 PM
well, in that case... /me steals own idea and uses it in quest

ok, they were given to the four warriors as a gift from somone, but none of them remember who, or what they looked like, only that they were a gift. it turns out, that only 4 humans with shadows can awaken their powers, and the person who gave it to them was a dark lord or something, revived after centuries of exile(sp?) from the world

He gave it to them so they could get them to work, and he's out to take them back. maybe there could be like, 8 normally, and he stole two whithout them knowing it

(a note, the main population of the world wouldn't cast shadows, and only a few humans with 'gifts' [extrodinary skill with weapons, knowledge, strength, ect] have shadows. [idea taken from the Epitaph of Twilight from .hack//LIMINALITY pt3. if you use my idea, you can take that part out, as it's from another story])

03-22-2004, 08:29 PM
I'd say government conspiracy. They were produced back during the cold war in a Black Ops program, to help us beat the Russkies. The scientists were looking through some ancient texts for a source of power spoken of in Syrian manuscripts, when they stumbled across the locations of the three orbs. The scientists worked long hours piecing together an exact location for the directions for assembly (somewhere in the ancient western world) for the three, and on an expedition to get one, they all were killed, and the files were sealed by one man, a man who knows the truth about all of this.

NIGHT: You're outside of this old man's house, minding your own business, coming home from a movie with the story's love interest (make her be a Japanase chick) when you're pulled into this man's house. He's babbling psychotically about some orbs, and how the government is going to get him, and babbles on incoherently about "quarks" and "mind control" and "ultimate destruction in a pillar of unholy fire." He then pulls out a gun, and kills himself. You recall him mentioning something about something being buried in a cemetary on the edge of town, in the grave where his dear old friend, Milton Gatch is buried. You are approached--shortly after the suicide and before you give the police report--by a mysterious man who asks you if he told you anything. You say "Mind control beams from Mars." He walks away, satisfied OR tells you not to mention anything you heard from this man. You give the police report, and leave out the Orbs. You figure you can always tell them you thought they were unimportant.
You travel to the cemetary that night with your highly attractive and capable Japanese girl with whom you saw the movie. You dig up the grave of Milt Gatch, and find inside it, an old book, containing detailed instructions to finding directions to the instructions to creating the Orbs of Destruction. Hmm, maybe just instructions to finding the directions to the locations. Bah, anyway, you set off on quest with a very hot Japanese girl who you hook up with at the end.

03-22-2004, 08:36 PM
The six orbs are hidden throughout the land in their respective areas.

Red - The Orb of Fire, in a deep cavern.
Blue - The Orb of Water, under water in a hidden lagoon.
White - The Orb of Air, high in the mountains.
Black - The Orb of Stone, amidst the desert sands.
Green - The Orb of Earth, in a vast plain.
Gold - The Golden Orb, created with the powers of the other orbs. It unifies the other five and is able to cast very powerful magic.

The hero comes across the first orb by accident. Say a dying old man on the beach or something. After finding the first orb, he must find the rest to overthrow the evil rulers of the land. Or some other evil power.

03-22-2004, 09:46 PM
The orbs are the magically preserved eyeballs of four heroes who saved the world long ago. It is said that within the eyeballs contains their power...

03-25-2004, 05:18 PM
The orbs are actually glow-stick footballs. They have no useful properties other than that of a glow-stick football.

03-26-2004, 09:25 AM
I would help, but I'd just tell you a slightly revamped version of Skies of Arcadia. *Drool*