View Full Version : mundane work tasks

03-16-2004, 05:38 AM
ok, ive probably ranted to a few people about my work before, so im going to make a thread and ask if there are any tasks at your job that you are forced to do on a regular basis that are idiotic and/or mundane...

for me, a new one would be that i have to check the online rates for our hotel from Travelocity, Lodging.com, Travelweb, Expedia, Orbitz, Traveltoday.com, Travelnow.com, and Hotels.com...

an couple old ones would be similar to the one above except we get nightly occupancy and rates from the surrounding hotels, which is useless because we only do roughly less than 60% occupancy, period... we offer probably the cheapest rate in the area, so calling around is stupid....

another one would be delivering reciepts to guests... i say, if they want a receipt, come to the desk and ask for one... delivering newspapers to the room serves no purpose, most people never read them anyways...

i guess this could have been posted in GB, but thats ok... everything gets more recognition in GD anyways... ;)

03-16-2004, 05:40 AM
Stupid tasks? Show up when I don't have classes to teach. It'd be a lot more annoying except that I just work on my laptop instead of working on my desktop.

03-16-2004, 01:25 PM
Ringing up customers. So boring and repetitive. I'm going to be making 7.00 an hour this coming summer, but I still can't stand the job. I'm considering changing careers to see if I can make more money or do less boring work.