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View Full Version : 3/11/04 - Madrid

03-13-2004, 08:28 PM
Two days ago, Madrid suffered a loss nearly as terrible as our own,no thanks to the attrocious terrorist group, Al Qaeda. In one of Europe's most devestating terrorist attacks, at least 200 people were killed. The people of Madrid, Spain hung American flags and lit candles for us on the day of our tragedy. And now, as this seige of terror befalls them, we should be there for them in return.

A moment of silence for Madrid.

03-13-2004, 08:54 PM
*bows head in a moment of silence*

Hopefully Al Queda will be pay for all of their evils soon.

03-13-2004, 09:41 PM
Sad deal... not to get into the political aspect of this, but if its of any gratification, I can almost guarantee you that we know wehre bin Laden is, and that Bush is waiting for the right moment to capture him so that it will boost his election probability. Hopefully it doesn't do him any good :D

Anyway, I've lost sight of the real reason for this topic, my apologies, and I pay respects for the victims and families of the bombings.

03-13-2004, 10:15 PM
There are many who would seek to blame George Walker Bush for this, when the blame lies squarely on the militant Muslims who have declared war not only on the United States, but on Western culture. Spain is a courageous nation for standing up to Islamic terror, just as they stood up to the invading sons of the Prophet five hundred years ago.

03-13-2004, 10:17 PM
I honestly don't know what Spain has done to "earn" this attack from terrorist. I mean, I thought Spain was a fairly self-sufficient and independence nation. But to be honest I know next to nothing of history/modern-day politics and government. So someone correct me if I'm wrong.

03-13-2004, 10:22 PM
I can't bring myself to accuse Bush for this. If we were up to something over there, the whole of Europe would have known. However, I can safely say that I do not know WHO is behind this. Al Qaeda is the terrorist group responsible for these bombings, thats for sure. But who is behind Al Qaeda? Whoever it is has a deeply rooted faith in numerology, as this happened EXACTLY nine hundred and eleven days after our own tragedy, and you can check. I don't think its George W. Bush, but whoever it is has a sinister, awful heart and deserves whatever horrible fate shall befall them.

Calculate Dates (http://www.calendarhome.com/cgi-bin/date2.pl)

Why this has any relevance whatsoever is that ancient prophets always used numerology to predict the dates of when things happened. The beliefs that drive Al Qaeda to do these things could be rooted in that.

Therefore, in assessing possible terrorist situations, it would aid the U.S. government to know about these things.

If this obsession with numerology holds true with the Islamic radicals, that would put the next attack on one of the following dates:

January 15 to 17, 2005

September 7-9, 2006

03-13-2004, 11:36 PM
It sucks that all these innocents are dying.

But now Europe finally know what it's like. So maybe the French and the Germans (Not all of them, just the ones responsible) will get off our backs.

03-14-2004, 12:21 AM
This is obviously George Bush's fault. I mean, America has spent so much time ruining the Middle East and meddling with stuff.. Oh wait, it was in Spain? You mean terrorists actually attack other countries sometimes? And here I thought it was all George Bush's fault.

I can almost guarantee you that we know wehre bin Laden is, and that Bush is waiting for the right moment to capture him so that it will boost his election probability. I can almost guarantee that you meant we know "where" bin Laden is, but I can also guarantee that your conspiracy theorist bullcrap is false. There is no time when the discovery of bin Laden would not help Bush's election. As far as I can tell, he's taking flak for not having found bin Laden yet.

03-14-2004, 12:40 AM
I doubt Bush did it but we don't even know if Al Qaeda did it. One possibility is Basque seperatists. There is a tape that may have come from AQ but we don't know.
P.S. BigJoe how did you get 2005 from that? it should be about 2.5 years from now which would land it in Sept 2006 again. Of course it would also likely be in Austrailia or even S. America or Africa. The other places have already been "used."

03-14-2004, 04:53 AM
Now now, I certainly didn't say this was Bush's fault. I don't know where that BS came from. It is nobody's fault but the terrorists, to be sure.

03-14-2004, 06:07 AM
I doubt Bush did it but we don't even know if Al Qaeda did it. One possibility is Basque seperatists. There is a tape that may have come from AQ but we don't know.
P.S. BigJoe how did you get 2005 from that? it should be about 2.5 years from now which would land it in Sept 2006 again. Of course it would also likely be in Austrailia or even S. America or Africa. The other places have already been "used."
the Jan 2005 date would be 311 days from now. Sept 2006 is 911 days from now.

03-14-2004, 07:08 AM
I did not mean anyone here was giving that impression, but far-left voices on other messageboards have made that particular connection, and it makes me sick.

03-14-2004, 11:11 AM
I honestly don't know what Spain has done to "earn" this attack from terrorist. I mean, I thought Spain was a fairly self-sufficient and independence nation. But to be honest I know next to nothing of history/modern-day politics and government. So someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Many times terrorists don't attack the one's who 'earned' them. If America has been trying to act as the world's police force, then us pissing them off prolly pushed them to do it.

It is a known fact that terrorism is more effective when it is targeted towards people who are not involved with the issue, (Like civilians.) rather than going after government or military targets.

03-14-2004, 08:38 PM
You know what I wonder? Why don't we fuckin' wage war on Al Quiada? They suck.

03-14-2004, 08:51 PM
You know what? I think that this should effect society on all levels. Not just the high echelon people who have any comprehension whatsoever of the structure of their society, but the low echelon people too. Gang members and such should stop fighting eachother, join the army, and put an end to terrorism.

Before I knew exactly what was happening, I only used my emotions to comprehend how our freedoms are being dealt with. Now, I think tactically. We should unite as countries of the world and destroy ANY group of radicals. Be it Al Qaeda, white supremacists, nature activists, and whatever else you can name. I would sooner sacrifice every one of my freedoms to see these heathen brought to justice.

03-14-2004, 09:32 PM
You know what I wonder? Why don't we fuckin' wage war on Al Quiada? They suck.

Well, we were. At least at first. Then Bush had to go on and finish what daddy started.

03-14-2004, 11:13 PM
...I would sooner sacrifice every one of my freedoms to see these heathen brought to justice.
So you don't mind losing your freedoms to bring a few people to justice? I personally like the Bill of Rights and wouldn't give it up for any amount of security. Even a virtual death sentance from Al Qaeda. I agree with B. Franklin about those who give up liberty for security don't deserve either. Unless I read it completely different from what you intended which I have been known to do.

03-14-2004, 11:46 PM
You already give up liberty for security. If the police come to your house with a warrant, you have no legal options to block their entry. This is one of many cases where the liberties of the individual are sacrificed in favor of the security of the whole.

It's all part of the social contract.

03-15-2004, 01:57 AM
Obiously so everyone should be locked up until they prove they are not a threat to The American Way of Life(tm)(r)(required). Yes that is "some" liberty but so is the fact that the police need a warrent in the first place or that people have certain rights like free speech. If we eliminate those to rid ourselves of Al Qaeda or other threats we are now better than them.