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View Full Version : Tides of the Triforce group quest idea announcment

03-12-2004, 10:03 AM
I am starting my quest Tides of the Triforce over. I am gonna make it with the cgba graphics pack (gameboy set).

Throughout the many years, link, has saved hyrule over and over again. Ganon had grown greatly tired of him and always being beaten. He plots to go to an island, and island called Napurnal. This is the island that link's ancestors were from, and if ganon can sneak into the past and go to this island he could destroy link forever by destroying his ancestors. Now link must go to that island and save the people as well as destroy Ganon once again and block him in the future forever. This quest will surely prove that Link is the hero of all tme.

So far this is what i have. I still need:
A Dungeon Designer
People to do signs
Someone who good at making puzzles...
a couple of testers

Post here or email me at [email protected]

I think its time i made a quest that sticks true to the Zelda ideal...

03-12-2004, 05:08 PM
ooh.. signs.. puzzles.. tester.. *drool* Oh yea.. sorry about that.. I'll sign up for them all :D

03-12-2004, 06:19 PM
sounds good, seriously though what do want to be? PM and i'll give you some more info