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View Full Version : The Darwin Awards

03-08-2004, 07:20 PM
The Darwin Awards (http://www.darwinawards.com)

Anyone know of any good ones?

Here's my favorite Honorable Mention:
A man is building a radio tower in his back yard, and during the course of the construction, he leaves about 300 lbs. of tools on the tower. So he rigs up a barrel on a pulley and ties the end of the rope down. He climbs up, loads all the tools, climbs down and unties the rope to let down the barrel. Here is where he realizes that his 180 lbs. is much less than the 350 lbs. of the barrel and the tools. As the barrel begins to fall, he neglects to remember to let go of the rope. He is immediately whisked up the tower and half way up of course, he hits full force into the bottom of the barrel. Once he gets over the immediate shock of being hit, he realises that his fingers have been shove part way through the pulley. Just as this has happened, the bottom of the barrel broke, spilling 300 lbs. of tools on the ground. Now, he succumbs to gravity and zooms toward the ground. Hitting the barrel on the way down, he lands on the pile of tools. At this point he is clearly not thinking straight and lets go of the rope and a 50 pound barrel falls on him.

Qun Mang
03-09-2004, 12:39 AM
Never happened- it's an urban myth. They did recreate it on Mythbusters though.

03-10-2004, 05:15 PM
Oh that sucks.

Not that is sucks that someone didn't get the shit beat out of them by a barrel. But it would be hilarious if it actually happened.