View Full Version : Sure, Infinium, sure...

03-02-2004, 04:50 PM

For those of you too lazy to click, or blocked out by finicky school filters, or who have some other problem...

Infinium Labs claims it'll have a PLAYABLE Phantom console at E3.

This brings up several questions. Such as how we play something that doesn't exist...

Now that I think about it... has anyone ever seen controller designs for a Phantom? And what games will be availbile? Besides Metroid Prime, obviously. :laughing:

03-02-2004, 04:53 PM
Wait and see. I've seen stranger things yet. But I'm more interested in the PSP and Gameboy DS.

03-02-2004, 06:30 PM
It's not too late for there to be some "unforeseen delays." So sorry, folks, maybe next year.

Then again... They could easily just disguise a PC. Spend a day or two making up some fake game selection program. They don't need original games or anything; they could say something about those not being ready yet. And we know it runs on Windows, so people won't even be suspicious when they see BSODs.

Dart Zaidyer
03-02-2004, 10:38 PM
As I recall, they already claimed this last year and the year before that.

Oh, and if you need more proof that Tim Roberts is a liar, observe at Penny Arcade the example of a screenshot taken of a post at the official Phantom forum where Tim says that Tycho and Gabe called in to apologise for their recent strip slamming him.
The post was deleted quickly, because it didn't happen.