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View Full Version : zc troubles

03-02-2004, 01:50 PM
I have downloaded the ZC files thismorning. When i tried to play the game, it just showed a black box, and closed its self. For some reason i can not get the game to work. Am I doing anything wrong? Thanks for any help.

03-02-2004, 02:41 PM
make sure you grabbed all of the files.

make sure they are all in the same folder

open zquest-w.exe (if you're using the windows version) first and play a midi so it will write you a ag.cfg file
IF your download came with a ag.cfg file like the 184 windows version is, delete it and write a new one as it won't work in your computer.

if this doesn't get you going you are going to have to supply more info, like are you running it in windows?
what version of zelda classic?
what files do you have?

03-02-2004, 02:47 PM
i am running windows xp and i am using version 1.9 i got from http://www.casadealphadawg.com/zc ... i have everything that came from the zip file

03-02-2004, 04:31 PM
what is 1.9?


Dos isn't well supported by XP, you should get the 192b183 and then grab the 184 player to replace zeldaw.exe
you'll need to run windows, I'm pretty sure.

also get "Support Archive for Zelda Classic 1.92 Beta 182"

you can get all of this at Ielen's site if you can't find it anywhere else, you'll have to sign up to download files there.


there are also some other places in the download thread here

03-02-2004, 04:46 PM
1.9 is 1.90. Steve, upgrade to 1.92 Beta 182 Windows, it seems that's the only version that works under Windows XP. also, be sure you're a System Admin, or ZC won't work at all

03-02-2004, 04:51 PM
i can not find the 184 player anyware.

03-02-2004, 04:59 PM
it's not 184, it's 183. the download at AlphaDawg's website is the 183 Player, that's the one you want. 182 comes with ZQuest, which is the actual game edit/maker

03-03-2004, 03:00 AM
I deleted all the files i had, and re started all over. I downloaded 1.92b183 for windows, it said that i needed zc192b182s.exe, so i downloaded that, so now the 1.92b183 file will unzip. Now it says i need alleg40.dll, so i downloaded that. I put everything in the same file folder, now the message that i need alleg40.dll keeps comming up. By the way ... i got all the files from http://www.casadealphadawg.com/zc/

03-03-2004, 04:15 AM
use the alegro41.dll and get the 184 player, I don't know why *b* is steering you away from it, but it's the one you want.

Ielens site, like I told you to above, it has ALL the files you need and download the 183 which the alegro41.dll comes with.
THEN upgrade it with the 184 player.



Once you get all of the files and they are in the same folder you need to first unzip everything and run the self extracting exe files, like the 192b183s.exe, this will put additional files in that folder.

after that look to see if you have a file called ag.cfg, if you do delete it and run the zquest-w.exe and play a midi to write a new one since a bad one comes with the 184 player and won't work for your computer.

then double click on the zelda-w.exe and register a name and by default it should put the first quest in for you, play it and see if it all works for you, like sound, music etc.

the if you want to load custom quests....
you register a name
hit enter
hit "A" (alt)
hit "A" again
browse to the quest, choose it, click ok
hit enter.

it's best to have the custom quest in the same folder