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Modus Ponens
03-01-2004, 10:50 PM
Gee, it's been so long since I've posted in AGN, that...well, I'll just get to the meat.

(Oh, and if you want to get to the real meaty meat of it, then just start reading at LONG STORY SHORT and you won't miss any of the important details of my ridiculous nonsense.)

Hi! I'm here, and I actually exist! And I'm a beta tester. I mean, I'm still beta tester for some reason. I haven't really figured that part out yet, but I am grateful. Please don't think I'm not because I am. ZC is easily the coolest freeware project on the web, and I do feel privilaged to be in the position to help with it as a beta tester does.


When I first became a beta tester, I was lame at it because the truth of the matter came out, which is that I really only wanted the position so that I could play with the new features of the new betas. Later, I was granted a position again so as to facilitate my development of new tiles, which do appear in the new default tileset (and of which I am very proud). However, at no point have I ever so much as posted in the ZC BT forums. This is because I am a tool.

Er, no. That's not what I meant to say. It's just that I never really had the impetus to really look for bugs and stamp them out. You know, the real work behind beta testing. However, I was recently contacted by BigJoe, who told me about the need for testing in this time of many bugs and updates. I was told about the ease that I would have with said testing, and so I do agree to pull my weight, at least for the moment, until such time as the bugs have been destroyed and the world is safe once again, at which point I will more than likely return to my dormant BT status (and the termination of said status would be in order and understood).


Here I am again, and I'm going to help out for a while. Sorry for being away for so long; looking forward to helping.


03-01-2004, 11:05 PM
I'm glad you finally decided to step up to the plate.

Good to have you aboard, I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do when you put your mind to it.

Of course, the REAL reason I need your help.... ;) ... A SECRET TO EVERYONE.

03-01-2004, 11:28 PM
We mustn't forget that people go on reality shows and do everything from watch richard hatch parading around in the nude to jumping off an airplane onto a speedboat and chugging blended animal parts just for a chance to have the newest beta. It is quite an honor to be one of the elite members in the ZC community, and with such an honor comes a great responcibility. The common members depend on you to find bugs in the system so that when the final version comes out, they will experence no troubles or difficulties with the game, which translates into a good PR image for ZC and the ZC team. We arn't developers, but we are the first line of defence against bugs. We are the ZC SARS protection and decomtamination unit. We see the worst of the bugs with the best of the features. We are soliders, priests, and advisors to the king and Gods of Zelda Classic. We musn't forget that. Heck, such an honor this job is that people are actually given access even after being perma-banned from the rest of AGN.

03-02-2004, 06:55 PM
but.. No pressure ^.~ lol

03-02-2004, 07:02 PM
There is more than one way you can help out.

You can find new bugs and post to Beta Bug Reports.

You can post verification of whether or not old bugs are still active, in the Beta Bug Reports forum.

You can volunteer to help with updating the Default Tileset (which, right now is undergoing an extensive revamp to get rid of all the stupid tiles)

You can help pinpoint inaccuracies in official quests (1st, 2nd,3rd, demo, bs1st, etc).

Much, much more!

Modus Ponens
03-02-2004, 09:39 PM
Okay, cool. I guess I would say that I'm mostly interested in default tileset updating. I have for the past few months been working on a quest that uses the default tileset, plus a lot of tiles that I have added that I think would go very nicely with the new default set.

Whatev. I'll do my best to help out in any way that I can.