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02-17-2004, 12:15 AM
So how many of you have gotten hurt at work? How did you get hurt?

I cut my thumb today. Not like, horribly, it just wouldn't stop bleeding. I work at Roly Poly (http://www.rolypolyusa.com), a sandiwch wrap place. We had a large order of about 15 sandwiches, and I had gotten the 3rd one done and started to cut it in half, when I looked over at my thumb, which was bleeding through a gaping hole in my rubber glove. I said "oh shit" and stepped backwards so as not to bleed on the sandiwch (cause it was bleeding pretty bad). Anyway, I asked my boss for a band aid, who laughed and told me she was disappointed in me, cause she figured I'd be the first to cut myself, I was the second. Of course, I was the first to have a wound that wouldn't stop bleeding. So I cleaned my cut, wrapped it up in a bandaid, washed my hands, re-gloved myself and kept on working. It's funny how when you cut yourself with a very sharp, brand new, serrated knife that it doesn't hurt, but when you cut yourself with a really dull pocket knife, it hurts like a bitch. *shrugs*

So now I have a slightly bruised and slightly scabbed little skin flap on my thumb, nice, eh?

Share your stories, I'm interested.

02-17-2004, 12:20 AM
I've never had a real job, but I used to do some work for a friend's dad. He had a old garage that needed repairing. I had a big board fall on my hand, I fell off of a ladder, and had a nail go into my foot.

02-17-2004, 12:56 AM
*hugs moocow* :( Poor mooie gotsa boo-boo? Aw...

That reminds me of the time I got really pissed off, and I punched a window. I completely shattered the thing, and I didn't feel a thing. I didn't realize there was blood dripping everywhere until 10 minutes later, then it started to hurt like a bitch. My index finger was cut right to the bone.

Then there's my dad's story (god bless his soul)... He stuck his hand right through a snow blower. (not one of those little Toro thingies, I'm talkin' about a huge diesel tractor blower about twice the size of a normal semi-truck plow) He tried to be carful not to do something stupid, but his hand slipped and the plade cut through his hand to his wrist. From the part between his middle and ring finger, 8 inches down to his wrist, there was a gaping bloody mess. That whole half of his hand was hanging off. He had it sewed back on, but it barely moved after that... Poor guy. :(

02-17-2004, 01:00 AM
yeah, it's wierd how sharp cuts don't hurt. About a month ago we had about 6 inches of snow followed by an inch of ice. I was walking out in the ice, and my foot fell through. I didn't think anything of it, and came up and sat down on my computer (probably to post here ;)). About 2 minutes later my foot felt warm, and I looked down to find a 4"x4" pool of blood on the floor. It was a pretty nasty cut, but because of the coldness and the sharpness of the ice I honestly didn't know it was there.

Of course, the moment I realized my leg was sliced open it hurt like a bitch. :P

02-17-2004, 01:07 AM
I was climbing a ladder at work half way up it I changed my mind and started down.
After a cpuple of steps I jumped off thinking I was only 1 or 2 rungs or so off the ground.
I thought it odd when I passed by 5 rungs during my fall turned around and hit the ground hard,fell down to my knees didnt hurt my self really but my pants got shredded up abit,Landed on a bunch of pebbles.

02-17-2004, 07:38 AM
I used to referee intramural football games in college. I was doing a game one day, working the sideline. The guy with the ball came around end toward my side of the field, and a defensive player came over to cut him off. They managed to converge right at the spot I happened to be at the time. I remember running down the sideline, and then I'm suddenly flipping over looking at the sky, and then something (presumably the ground) bangs against the back of my head, pretty hard. I didn't pass out, but the next thing I know, I'm sitting on the ground trying to clear stars out of my eyes, and one of my partners comes over and hands me my hat, laughing his rear off the whole time.

In another game, I was running sideways (important skill for a football referee), and I stepped in a hole, rolling my ankle pretty hard. I didn't notice much at the time, and finished my shift without a problem... but when I went home and did my calc homework, my ankle became really swollen and so sore I could barely walk on it.

02-17-2004, 08:44 AM
when i worked food and beverage at an amusement park i would cut or burn myself every day(i was in the catering part, so we had to deal with flaming cans alot). although the worst injury was porbaly when i had a warmer(a 6 foot tall metal box on wheels) tip over and land on my foot, spilling hot corn juice all over it in the process. talk about loads of fun

02-17-2004, 10:51 AM
I used to burn myself all the time at Auntie Anne's... I get hurt more at home than anything. I stabbed myself with a hammer once...

02-17-2004, 04:52 PM
Once working on a set for a musical, I had an injury to my hand best explained by what I said at the time. "Where's the staple gun?" (30 seconds pass) "Where's the first aid kit?"

02-17-2004, 05:41 PM
I had a blanket stapled to the bottom of my foot with an electric staple gun once, it was funny.

02-17-2004, 08:44 PM
My face is always swollen, and my hands are always cut up. I work at target where I stock shit, and when i unload the truck boxes are always falling down on me, one time a 40 lb box flew down and teh corner hit me in the temple, that made me go ow. Last night a long box, not to heavy, about 4 feet long, maybe around 25lbs hit me face first, under my moustache is all swollen. I cut myself with my razor blade at least 3 times a day, they have to refill teh first aid kit every few days because of me. I used to cut myself all teh time when i worked as a lumper at krogers too, one time i duidnt realize my blade was open and i closed my hand, it cut all teh way through teh web between my thumb and index finger, when i worked at mcdonalds, i burned tehf uck out of my right forearm, 2nd degree burn, i didnt want my boss to be mad at me because we had just went over safety so i waited the 3 hours untill my shift was over to report it, also one time at mcdonalds i got electricuted by a soup pot which completly knocked me on my ass. I would say that the only real serious injury i had sustained at work was recently a wall of boxes collapsed on me and sprained my shoulder, i say thats the only serious one because i actually went to tehd octor for it, the only reason i went to teh doctor was because i wanted pills and saturday night off work.

02-17-2004, 11:30 PM
I type all hunched over sometimes. My wrists hurt a lot.

Actually, I used to work in a home improvement warehouse, and I frequently had to put wall paneling in racks. I forgot my boots one day because I was in the habit of wearing my Converses everywhere. Unfortunately, a Timberland boot is a far better shoe than a Converse in such a situation. A sheet of paneling fell off of the rack right onto my big toe, and I don't think I could move it for a day or two.

02-17-2004, 11:33 PM
This isn't really work related but its close. I used to work up at Mount Hood Ski Bowl, and me and the other people would work our shift, then go night snowboarding. One time I caught an edge and broke my leg pretty bad. It sucked, because I could only work in the boot shop and couldn't teach any classes for a month or two.

02-18-2004, 10:37 AM
Well, I don't have a job yet, but I tend to hurt myself in other places, like the time when, uh, ok so I've never really hurt myself badly. But I can imagine what it would be like, and that's close enough I guess.
And by the way, ichbandaswalross might be please to know that I have removed the offensive smiley from the "superstions" post and moved it here instead. :)