View Full Version : Need a character hook

02-15-2004, 11:22 PM
I've got a problem. I was working on an adventure in my campaign when I realized that despite having an excellent story on my hands, I had no way to involve my players. (if you're in my campaign don't read on)

The background is this: A city-state, once ruled by an autocratic Prince, is now ruled by a semi-democratic coucil. The Coucil gradually gained power, and the office of Prince slowly lost it. The Council is elected only by those of a certain wealth, ensuring that it serves only the merchant class of the city. Now, over a hundred years after the Council replaced the Prince as ruler, the young prince wishes to regain the power his office held before. He has established himself not only as a charitable courtier involved in the politics of the city, but also as the ruthless and secretive head of the city's underground. He rules the Thieve's Guild with an iron fist, and is slowly gaining power in the Council through bribery, blackmail, and extortion.
Now where the hell do the heroes come in?

Master Ghaleon
02-16-2004, 02:14 AM
Maybe have it so that a couple of the council members arent taking bribes and its getting the prince pissed and he kidnaps them? Then enter the heros. Hearing that 2 coucil members were kidnapped and have a few clues or hints that who it might be. Maybe have whoever did it not the prince but someone else that had a grudge on the town coucil, then one of those captured members could have "Evidence" that would ruin the chances of the prince to become ruler. Like something that the people worship was killed by him?

Just some ideas

02-16-2004, 02:02 PM
Well, the Prince is far to subtle to try that. But maybe someone else who wished to frame the Prince, maybe the Councilmen themselves discovered the Prince's plan and are attempting to ruin him by "idnapping" themselves... hmm....