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02-15-2004, 03:18 PM
If you ever happen to be turning onto a road with a T intersection, where you are the | part, and the ¯ doesn't have a stop sign, check for bikes before you turn, because there's a chance you might run a biker over. Needless to say, I found this out by nearly being killed by a careless bitch. I only got knocked off my bike, with some damage to it and scraped my palms. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that my bike was damaged until I got home, and I don't know the careless bitch's name.

And more importantly, I'm switching over to Linux in the very near future, March 6th at the very latest. I'm doing a research paper, and I don't want to suddenly be thrust into a new OS while I'm trying to write a research paper and am unfamiliar with everything.

02-15-2004, 07:16 PM
um, i dont think switching over to Linux would be more important than almost dying... :odd:

glad to hear you're ok...

02-15-2004, 07:41 PM
um, i dont think switching over to Linux would be more important than almost dying... :odd:

glad to hear you're ok...

It shows he has a sense of a greater good. ;)

Glad to hear ya made it, maybe you'll see her again later so you can get her to pay for your bike.

02-15-2004, 08:07 PM
That's unfortunate. The only thing careless about this bitch was that she missed. Have you ever heard of a sidewalk? USE IT. There's nothing that manages to piss me off more while driving then to see a group of fucking "bikers" on the road.

02-15-2004, 08:11 PM
I find alot of bicycle riders (especially motorcycle riders) to be inconsiderate, and get in my way. Though this time was not the biker's fault, it generally is. Ever seen a bicycle rider cut through the middle of a 2 laned road, and almost get killed by a car changing lanes? i have.

02-15-2004, 10:52 PM
"And more importantly" was originally "On a minor side note". I decided against it. Sarcasm you see.

And Breaker, bicyclists with tires larger than 20 inches are supposed to use the road, and not the sidewalk.

02-16-2004, 01:00 AM
I've always hated riding a bike on the street... I had to get a 21-speed mountain bike just so I have an excuse to ride through ditches and treat it like a dirt bike. Oh, man, I had so much fun on that thing. Then I started driving... :(

02-16-2004, 01:47 AM
Get a Segway instead. Then she'd have been so busy laughing at you that she would have either been unable to move her car or hit someone else. Maybe those things do have benefits.

02-16-2004, 03:02 AM
Same thing happened to me, except thankfully the other person was also on a bike. End result was a mangled wheel but that was it. Damn freshmen...

And actually it pisses me off when people ride their bikes on the sidewalk. There's no room for them there. Bike lanes are pained in the street for a reason. Plus, in many areas it's illegal to bike on the sidewalk. But if someone's biking in the middle of the street, then they're just being an ass - unless they're making a left hand turn:


02-16-2004, 02:10 PM
Unfortunately some people have the idea that if they KNOW there isn't a stop sign they will purposely not slow down just because they think it makes them a "local" in their area. I know this because a few of my friends do it. I of course if I road my bike would run out into the intersection on purpose because you have the right of way, then sue their asses for running me over.