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View Full Version : Gamespot's "Rumor Control" really caught my eye for once.

02-14-2004, 01:39 AM
Taken from Gamespot.com:
RUMOR #2:Electronic Arts is developing a remake of the N64 classic, GoldenEye.

Source: UK industry-watchers Gamesindustry.biz.

The official story: "It's EA policy not to comment on rumors, so we have no comment on that article."--David C. Lee, EA's Director of Studio PR.

What we heard: Numerous sites ran Gamesindustry.biz's article, which says GoldenEye redux is being developed at EA's Redwood Shores and Los Angeles studios. That would be surprising, because EA has a deal with Free Radical Design, the UK studio where most of the original GoldenEye team works. Nevertheless, Gamesindustry.biz quotes EA as saying the new GoldenEye might be the first of many 007 remakes, saying "we were going to exploit past, present and future Bond properties across a range of gaming platforms." When GameSpot contacted EA officially, we got the above non-response from Lee, who said the real news was the release of EA's newest bond adventure, Everything or Nothing, next Tuesday. ("I think that's the story the public is crying out for," he said.) However, unofficially, sources within EA refused to deny the existence of a GoldenEye remake--which is about as close to a confirmation as you're likely to get these days.
Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus. Looks like Xenia Onatopp is going to be mounting up again.

*crosses fingers*
If a remake is in the works, It better be good.:p

02-14-2004, 02:39 AM
Doesn't Rare still own some of the rights to that? I mean, the guys who left obviously wouldn't have taken the rights with them. Just like Rare can't start making Donkey Kong Country games when they feel like it anymore. But I suppose I could be wrong. Nintendo does seem to own all the DKC rights (GBA ports for example) so it wouldn't be unlikely that MGM holds all the rights to Goldeneye (in which case EA would be allowed to do this since they seem to have a deal w/ MGM to produce Bond games at the moment). Interesting though. I never actually picked up Goldeneye on the N64 because I had played it so often, but if they do remake it, it would be a nice thing to get. That game rocked.

02-14-2004, 11:39 AM
Except EA Bond games suck ass. X|

02-14-2004, 12:34 PM
Ah, Goldeneye, the only FPS you'll ever need. I hope this is true, I just love playing as Oddjob...

02-14-2004, 03:35 PM

we spent many many hours DMing in that game... a remake for either the cube would make perfect sense... :D

02-14-2004, 05:22 PM
Except EA Bond games suck ass. X|Yes, but according to the article, it would be developed by Free Radical

That would be surprising, because EA has a deal with Free Radical Design, the UK studio where most of the original GoldenEye team works.


02-14-2004, 05:34 PM
...they better not butcher a marble-sculpture perfect game, or I keel 'dem!

More multiplayer levels, PLEASE!!!

02-14-2004, 06:10 PM
i agree with Drac, not touching anything except to ugrade the graphics, and to put more multiplayer levels, and you have an even more perfect game!

02-14-2004, 06:46 PM
i agree with Drac, not touching anything except to ugrade the graphics, and to put more multiplayer levels, and you have an even more perfect game!

Actually, one more thing that Perfect Dark added.. Bots. They should totally add bots to multiplayer so you can at least have a couple CPUs to fight with (can you imagine say, an 8 player game with 4 humans and 4 cpus all trying to kill each other? :D)

Also, I was checking around IGN and I noticed a reference in their mailbag to "Goldeneye 2" being developed by EA. Could this be it?

http://cube.ign.com/mail.html (2-13-04 mailbag if you click this after they update it again.. would have linked directly to it but stupid IGN doesn't have that page up)
Also: http://cube.ign.com/mail/2003-06-12.html

02-14-2004, 11:40 PM
Yes, but according to the article, it would be developed by Free Radical

That would be surprising, because EA has a deal with Free Radical Design, the UK studio where most of the original GoldenEye team works.


Still, EA has it's grubby hands in on the mix. But hopefully, it'll be good. :) Hopefully...

02-15-2004, 01:47 AM
Personally, I'm just hoping for more extras, like more cheats, hidden levels, multiplayer stuff, better edit mode, etc. The only thing that kept me playing for 3+ years, was spending all that time getting the extras, and actually enjoying them, because they were worth using(unlike EA's system of "helper cheats" in their Bond games). I also liked the way acquiring extras in single player was. Basically you had to "beat level X in X amount of time".

As long as you didn't screw up any objectives, you were fine(Archives was the hardest time to beat). EA's system was ridiculous, as you had many factors deciding your ending score, but it was nice to have the difficulty add bonus points, depending on which one you chose.

02-15-2004, 04:56 PM
Personally, i would sooner see them do a Perfect Dark Remake, instead of Perfect Dark 0 Which looks retarted (well from what i last remember)... i mean the game play in that kicked so much ass! the weapons were great, the Animation (at the time) was incredible, and the bots and practice modes were awesoem, as well as being able to drive some of the vehicles was a total change...
so i would sooner see them do that, but i doubt they will :'(

02-15-2004, 04:59 PM
Personally, i would sooner see them do a Perfect Dark Remake, instead of Perfect Dark 0 Which looks retarted (well from what i last remember)... i mean the game play in that kicked so much ass! the weapons were great, the Animation (at the time) was incredible, and the bots and practice modes were awesoem, as well as being able to drive some of the vehicles was a total change...
so i would sooner see them do that, but i doubt they will :'(

Goldeneye was MUCH better than Perfect Dark ;) Besides which, this is EA, not Rare. There is no way EA would get the licence to remake Perfect Dark. And if there WAS a Perfect Dark remake (by Rare) it would be Xbox exclusive anyways.

02-15-2004, 05:45 PM
What what what? PD is better than Goldeneye 007 in every area: Music, graphics, gameplay, story... :p

But whatever happens, I hope EA won't have anything to do with the project because EA sucks more than anything.