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View Full Version : And now for the million gold question...

02-06-2004, 05:40 PM
Why the hell is Diablo 2 so fun? Since they upgraded to 1.1, I've been playing like crazy all over again. It doesn't make much sense. After all, nobody is ever going to claim Diablo 2 is a deep game. Yeah, you can customize your character's skills and attributes, but the basic gameplay comes right back to killing demons and taking their stuff. That's it. And yet, just about everyone on the planet loves this game.

Of course, Diablo 2 isn't the only stab-and-loot game in the world. Their have been others, but none have ever been as enjoyable. So the question I pose to you all is: What makes Diablo 2's brand of brainless stabbing and stealing so fun compared to all the others?

02-06-2004, 09:23 PM
Because it's just that awesome. For me, it's because of it's customizationess. I know that nobody else out there has an assassin like mine. There are so many weapons, armors, amulets, rings, boots, gloves, helmets, charms, socketed items, and belts, so I know that a friend with an assassin doesn't have the same stuff I have.

Actaully, now that I think of it, my main reason for playing it is to see what happens next. Not story-wise, but to see what item I'll get this time I beat Baal, or what I need to do next to get to act 5, ect... The feeling of not knowing what's oing to happen keeps me coming back.

02-07-2004, 07:09 PM
Say it's 'Brainless' when you get to Hell, it takes a lot more brains and skill than you think.

Personally I'd say it's because you want to become the best, kill everyone else, get to lvl 99, and start over again. Also, trying to build the perfect 'Insert class' also is something that keeps people coming. And it's free. :D

02-11-2004, 06:56 PM
It would probably have to be because it's one of the most played "stab-and-loot" games and because its wicked fun to play on the internet and stealing other peoples items. either that or theres some sort of subliminal message in it.