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01-15-2004, 02:01 PM
I finally got my Pinnacle PCTV Pro installed the other day, so I was messing around with it. It rocks :D I recorded some videos of me playing a couple games, if anyone wants to check them out. There is no audio (need to buy something to get that working) but that's not a huge problem:

Zelda II:

About 10 minutes, 20mb.. Up to me beating the first palace (this is on the second game after beating it once, so I have all my magic and stats)

Soul Calibur II:

Extra Arcade w/ Cassandra.. wee.. this is about 8 minutes and 14mb. Now you can see me be super cheap with Cassandra :D haha.. actually I screwed up a little since I had to play on my comp. monitor and the picture wasn't as good, but I didn't do too bad. But I can be cheaper than this :)

01-15-2004, 02:54 PM
For audio all you need is a simple item from radio shack probably, wich takes red and white composite connectors and puts them into a headphone jack. :O Lucky me, I already had all that stuff.

01-15-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Mottzilla
For audio all you need is a simple item from radio shack probably, wich takes red and white composite connectors and puts them into a headphone jack. :O Lucky me, I already had all that stuff.

Yeah, I know.. do you know how much those things cost? I havn't checked yet.

01-15-2004, 05:06 PM
I think these are it


Make sure it accepts the left and right audio cables and works for a Stereo input, so you have the stereo sound.

Dart Zaidyer
01-15-2004, 06:24 PM
Hey, great! I always enjoy watching other people play games. Gives me tips. =P

Master Ghaleon
01-15-2004, 10:47 PM
Me and a friend have taped us play Madden before just to mess around. Also, my cousins house they have something that I can be playing a game in the living room, they can have the TV in the kitchen to switch and watch what Im playing :D pretty cool

01-16-2004, 02:48 AM
Hey Warlock, if I didn't bug you enough already about an S-Video cable, I put together a few comparison screens on this page ;)

01-16-2004, 03:00 AM
Oh wow, that is indeed a good improvement. I always hated that edge blurring that occurs w/ the normal cables (it looks very "we're going to use alternating dots to simulate partially transparent objects even though we have no transparency ability" for some reason.. it's ugly :D).

BTW, I don't really recommend Hauppauge since that's what I had before, though I suppose it was an older card. But it had the shittiest Windows XP support ever, with absolutely NO support by the company (I think someone devised a way to get it working with Windows 2000 or ME drivers or something plus some other tweaks).. but yeah, since I installed XP all video recording was completely fucked up and obviously the picture quality in general wasn't great. But like I said, it was an older card. Maybe they improved it with newer models, I dunno.

BTW, this cable sounds intreguing:

I'm wondering if it's shit since it's a 3rd party thing, but it supports both PS2 and GameCube with kind of rocks.. it seems to be getting good reviews on there but that doesn't mean much ;)

There is this too:

But I don't recognize the brand name so I'm wondering if the $3 cheaper price is even worth it if the product sucks.

Edit: LMAO.. this (http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=296482&pfp=SEARCH) was on the list of S-video cables from CompUSA.. hahaha..

01-16-2004, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by Warlock
Oh wow, that is indeed a good improvement. I always hated that edge blurring that occurs w/ the normal cables (it looks very "we're going to use alternating dots to simulate partially transparent objects even though we have no transparency ability" for some reason.. it's ugly :D).

BTW, I don't really recommend Hauppauge since that's what I had before, though I suppose it was an older card. Maybe they improved it with newer models, I dunno.

I'm wondering if it's shit since it's a 3rd party thing, but it supports both PS2 and GameCube with kind of rocks.. it seems to be getting good reviews on there but that doesn't mean much ;)

Edit: LMAO.. this (http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=296482&pfp=SEARCH) was on the list of S-video cables from CompUSA.. hahaha..

For a while, I thought my eyes were going bad because of the dots, like on the Smash Bros. character screen, the lines had dots bleeding, so I thought my vision was going. But I was just looking at the quality the video signal had (thankfully!)

A friend who co-runs www.zeldalegends.net has a Hauppage and I don't remember him complaining, so I figured it was another brand to mention. Probably better versions today.

I bought a $8 S-Video cable for my GC. I don't know how it'd measure to a higher priced and higher quality one. Probably any S-Video cable you buy will give you noticeable improvement over composite (because the connection is just by default so good), but there are probably some flaws you can't see unless you compare S-Video cables. I'm kinda thinking about getting a Monster S-Video cable, but I don't know if I really need it. The cheaper ones might be prone to bleeding or something, there's probably some reason somewhere. For Playstation, Sony charges $30 for their S-Video cable!

01-16-2004, 03:10 AM
woot, warlock are teh uber ZII playerzorz! seriously, that's some good playage :p

01-16-2004, 03:19 AM
"I love you guys"

:D heh (sorry, I was havin' fun with Power DVD and my new Season 3 set)