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View Full Version : The White Stuff is Flying.. (BONUS VIDEO)

J.J. Maxx
01-07-2004, 05:00 PM
We are getting some sort of crazy weather here in upstate New York! I didn't go to work today it was so bad. White out conditions. Anywho, I took a little video so you guys could see for yourselves...

CLICK ME! (2.5M) (http://mrcow.phazonomicron.com/JJ/SNOW.MOV)

Thats from my living room window! :D

I hate it. It sucks to work in this weather. So cold...

01-07-2004, 05:41 PM
You lucky bastards.. I go home for 3 weeks, and we get about 3 inches the whole time.

I come to seattle, and we get 2 inches, and they shut down the whole town.

What do you do? Get hot chocolate, eat pizza, and watch Sex and the City...

01-07-2004, 08:05 PM
gee wiz! it's really snowing there! bet you haven't gotten out of your house in a while, eh?

01-07-2004, 08:07 PM
Yay for suggestive titles!

That's some crazy snow...

01-07-2004, 08:18 PM
Yep, white out condition here as well. It created quite a stir in Calculus class today.

01-07-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Pablo
Yay for suggestive titles!

Yeah, I thought J-Boy was high when he made this topic.:kawaii:

I'm such a sick individual.:p

01-08-2004, 02:20 AM
No snow here in Maryland yet, but it sure itsgetting cold. Snow is nice sometimes, but I'm gonna have to do some serious driving to go to school this semester, and I hope it doesn't get in the way too much.

01-08-2004, 07:46 AM
I feel so cold all of a sudden here in Pennsylvania. It was so nice and temperate in London, pretty constant and above freezing, and it was 24° out when i got home.

01-08-2004, 05:43 PM
Yeah, South Carolina is looking better and better as the days go by! *lol*

What I'm still amazed at is the fact that our digital camera takes such great little videos... :laughing:

01-08-2004, 06:05 PM
I've never experienced snow but that looks fun. :o

01-08-2004, 06:39 PM
Foxy - South Carolina ain't all it's cracked up to be ;) I was raised there. Sure it's warmer, so to speak, in the winters. But the summers... between the heat and humidity... you wouldn't enjoy it. Unless you like that kind of weather.


01-08-2004, 11:00 PM
We've been getting crappy little snowfalls here in Northampton Pa, so bleh. Its been snowing, but it seems to get sucked into the earth and blown into some other random part of the world...I just wish it would stay for a little while.

01-08-2004, 11:12 PM
We dont have much snow storm here , but at the momment it is Minus 41 celcius before wind. With wind they said we should hit Minus 50 toonight, and toomorow we will have Minus 35 all day. So its F**ing cold!!!!!! And I have to walk to go to work :\
They even said to keep all dogs inside the house , at this temp they can die from the cold.

01-09-2004, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Prrkitty
Foxy - South Carolina ain't all it's cracked up to be ;) I was raised there. Sure it's warmer, so to speak, in the winters. But the summers... between the heat and humidity... you wouldn't enjoy it. Unless you like that kind of weather.

and it also seems to be a hurricane magnet

it's currently snowing pretty well here in virginia. the only problem is that it's a really fine snow, so we're not going to get any accumulation. at least not enough to convince them to close the office.

01-09-2004, 08:10 PM
Yeesh, I'm getting negative degrees windchill here. I really need to get my license so I can eliminate the long cold walk to school. I really hate the weather around here. :(

Link 101
01-10-2004, 05:23 PM
We have gotten a lot of snow here in Northwestern PA. About a foot or so. Some has melted now there is about 5 inches. We are getting more all next week though.