View Full Version : DOY - help !?!%%$!??!?

12-30-2003, 10:08 PM
:angry: The thing I hate about the search function being disabled is that I'm stucked to read pages after pages of Forums without finding what has probably been discussed times after times.

It is the third time that I try to play that game that seems to be quite interesting, but I'm getting nowhere.

I am in the room, in the Second (?) Dungeon with the three locked doors. What do I do from there?

Note: I'm an average poor player, but I like to play Zelda Quests..

12-31-2003, 06:15 PM
O_O .. Um.. For one thing, which is the second dungeon? .. I'm going to assume that you meant.. Let's see.. the.. Maybe Error's Mansion? Yeah, that's a killer. >_< Three Doors. Take the bottom one. Definitely. The other two don't really lead anywhere. Oh, and have AT LEAST two bombs with you. ;)

12-31-2003, 07:06 PM
:reading: Thank you for answering.

That Level is effectively the Error Dungeon. I would very much like to take the bottom door, but I badly need a key. I've used all of them to open doors at the top Left.

By the way, I have restarted the whole game with the 152 version of Zelda. I can now go to the right, at certain occasions, when I was blocked with the 183 version. It works better!

Even though I've done it again, I'm still stuck in that same three doors room without any key.

Thanks to you all.

01-02-2004, 09:26 PM
I just wanted to let anyone interested (?) know that I just flushed out the game.

I really enjoy playable games.

01-07-2004, 01:35 PM
Shoulda waited for the reply. I'm not around that often.

If you're short of keys after opening one of the doors in that room, you need to look behind the door you opened. There is a room in Error's Mansion with three locked doors. Behind two of them is nothing of interest beyond another key. Behind the third is the rest of the Dungeon.


01-08-2004, 08:31 PM
:grad: :confused:

Thanks for answering. I really tried to follow the informations that are provided in the Dungeon. The last one was that there is a key that is hidden in a pot in the southeast of F-1.

I just don't know how to reach that sector. And I'm out of key to open the south door of the three doors room.


01-09-2004, 01:20 AM
If you opened any doors in the "three doors room" in the first place, you must have obtained all the keys from the rest of the Mansion. (Or used a key from some other dungeon, which is ill-advised.) The north and east doors have keys behind them somewhere.

The southeast key is the one you fall from F-2 to obtain, and you've presumably already got that one. If not, bomb the floor on F-2 and drop down through the crack.


01-10-2004, 06:20 PM

Thank you so much for the answer, C-Dawg.

I had noticed the drawing on the floor. Just could not figure out to bomb the floor. I had tried the wall with no result. I'm now trying to figure the Dam enigma.

Since the search option is disabled, I though helping others that would like to give it a try to this Quest.

These links will bring you to the forums threads that are related to DOY questions:

Doy Question


More DOY Questions


Yet more DOY help


I just meant to help someone else.

01-30-2004, 04:15 AM
Thanks a lot Odanaki I just started playing DOY and I really have found this thread helpful with the links to the other threads, good job.

I am stuck in the crypt havent found its "secret weapon" or beaten the geist all the times that I need to, but I think its just one more time? On what floor do you find him the third /last time?


01-31-2004, 08:25 AM
I'm stuck in the Mines too.

There is a door blocked by three rocks, and I did not find a way to pass through. Tried Red Bombs, etc...

This Level is a killer for Shields!

I tried to go to the Gallery, but I think I would need the Hammer.

On the other hand, the Crypt is a very dangerous place when you don't know what you are fighting.

Any information regarding the three blocks is very much welcome:confused:

01-31-2004, 09:06 AM
I think you cant enter that area untill you have the hammer/that axe you get from the crypt.

Try diving through waterwalls.

The huge crystal found in the first righthanded room from the entrence can be bombed that opens up a new route.

Nope you need the candle to burn the bushs in front of the gallery its just one screen down from where you errors mansion where you got the bow.

I hope that helps.