View Full Version : making forests

12-22-2003, 02:05 PM
dark forests--i'm just wondering how people make those really cool dark forests. I'm trying but i just can't get the transparency to look right--i'm using the puretileset & pallettes by the way. Any ideas? I tried using the dark green tiles that come w/ the set & it looks really bad & i made those tiles black but that makes it a little too dark--also, as far as puzzles & gameplay, if you have any tidbits as to how i can make a forest different from a cave or dungeon, please let me know

12-23-2003, 09:32 AM
Well, .. umm.. for one thing, can you show us a screenshot? Maybe then we could see from what base we could start off with.

And feel free to open up Blade of Ages, if you can find one, and look at map 5. :shrug: It's got a pretty dark forest.

12-24-2003, 08:13 PM
Remember that translucency always uses colors already in your pallete. So if you're having trouble getting the right shade of green, add a few more greens of around the right shades to your pallete.
One thing I would suggest is that forests should be kinda busy. By that, I mean that there should be lots of trees, rocks, and that sort of thing scattered around the screen. This gives the impression of a dense forest, and makes the gameplay more interesting as the player has to work around the obstacles to fight with the monsters. And forests just call out for lots of moblins. I like to use ropes there too - they're always seemed like more of an overworld enemy to me, and they really work great with other types of enemies as they keep you on your toes.

12-25-2003, 09:45 AM
try to have a lot of things to slow link down. like vines hanging, enemies, rocks to be bombed/pushed, water...
If each screen has an obsticle, then it'll look a lot dencer because you're not moving very quickly!