View Full Version : Xenosaga: When will it come together?

12-11-2003, 06:17 AM
Im a bit confused. Xenosaga is supposed to be a distant prequel to (one of my all time favorite games) Xenogears , right? Yet it would seem that Episode 2 doesnt push the time scale close enough to Xenogears for them to be in the same series. Is Namco taking the series in an entirely new direction and dropping the idea of connecting it to Xenogears?

Master Ghaleon
12-11-2003, 07:33 AM
I never played Xenogears but I am playing Xenosaga now. Its a pretty nice game :)

Xenosaga Episode 1 Der Wille zur Macht - is the only episode out yet for the Xenosaga series which I hear there is gonna be a good many to come. Maybe thats why they changed the name of the game? Xenogears might have just little to do with Xenosaga, Im saying that without playing Xenogears so maybe someone who played it before could give you more info

12-11-2003, 03:32 PM
Well there are many things that are similar to things in Xenogears. For example, there is a boss called "Proto Dora" that is similar to a boss called "Dora" in XG(which happens to be in a place thats also similar to a place in XG). The A.W.G.S. are similar to the "gears" in Xenogears. And there are even some charecters that look undeniably similar to ones in Xenogears.(And, are even voiced by the same actors) Yet its mostly deja vu ish and no direct connection from Xenogears to Xenosaga can yet be made. The only thing that gives a glimmer of hope to a connection would be the ending. But I wont spoil it for you.

12-11-2003, 09:15 PM
I believe Xenogears is episode 5 of the Xenosaga, uh, saga. So you'll have to play through four more games.

12-12-2003, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by DarkDragoonX
I believe Xenogears is episode 5 of the Xenosaga, uh, saga. So you'll have to play through four more games.

DDX hit it in the nail.

The Xenosaga series is supposed to make up 6 games in total, with Xenogears apparently being one of those games.

What I'm wondering is if, when the 4th episode is released, whether they'll simply move onto 6, or rerelease xenogears.. or remake Xenogears?

12-12-2003, 01:22 AM
What I dont understand is , how they plan to move the timeline forward far enough to reach Episode 5 (Xenogears) if Episode 2 takes place within the lifetimes of the charecters from Episode 1...

12-12-2003, 01:25 AM
Xenogears was originally going to be the fifth game in the Xenogears story. When the game didnt come out as planned they redid it as Xenosaga. Now Xenogears is approximately the fifth game of the Xenosaga series, it will probably be redid to some point to better tie into the series.

As for the time, supposedly the series will take place over a thousand years. As KOS-MOS and one or two of the other characters will go on while the others will most likely leave the story by death or something.

12-29-2003, 06:32 PM
OMG! I think I found a connection! Maybe the "Great Joe" from Xenosaga is or is related to "Big Joe" from Xenogears. They dont look awfully similar, but then again, the art style is different in both games. (well ,he does have the wedged chin... that pretty much makes me certain theyre the same.)

Master Ghaleon
12-30-2003, 02:02 PM
Great Joe looks like freddy in Nightmare on elm street.

12-31-2003, 05:17 AM
Ive found more connections. Interestingly, many charecters that share looks with charecters from Xenogears also share VOICE ACTORS!(In the Japanese version) For example, Nephilim shares the same voice actor with Elhaym, who she bears remarkable similarities to. Virgil (the guy who ate realian brains) looks similar and to and shares voice actors with (again, in the Japanese version) Bartholemeu Fatima, the young prince of Aveh. (A surprising difference in their charecter can be noted though. Bart was a typical good guy, though somewhat easily roused to anger. Virgil was a diabolical cannibal, though he was not always like that). Same with "Jin Uzuki" and the enigmatic Citan Uzuki from Xenogears. Share voice actors, and look similar.

Last but not least, two sets of charecters have names that may only be different because of the fact that different people translated Xenosaga
Vanderkaum and Vanderkam, and
Big Joe and Great Joe.

Oh and some places could have suffered from translation differences too.

Proto Merkaba and Merkhava

Since reincarnation takes a strong role in the game of Xenogears, its not entirely inconceivable that these are previous incarnations of the charecters from XG.

Heck , theres even familiar parts in the MUSIC from Xenosaga (the song that plays when Commander Cherenkov is in that odd black and white plane of existence shares a similar part to a song in Xenogears, I cant quite place the song in Xenogears, but I know the parts are similar, because I actually hummed that little part of the song AS it happened. Which freaked me out) Hold on ima go find it. And anyone who knows what song im talking about can listen to it and compare the two.

Oh and theres another two songs that are similar , while im looking for it. Compare the music near the end of the opening fmv to the song "Omen" from Xenogears.

EDIT: Okay, listen to that song from when Commander Cherenkov vanishes, and listen to the midi 'June Mermaid(2)' from www.vgmusic.com The background track between 00:46 and 00:50 is EXACTLY the same as a part of the aforementioned song. Haunting. For better clarity, listen to an mp3 of June Mermaid or the psf from zophar.net (psfs are buggy though , so im not sure if its the same.) Meh. Im probably the only one who will get excited as I will about it. But ooh well.